03. Lesson #2 "Racism Doesn't Exist"

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Yes it does.

'Nuff said.

For black folks AND white folks. Just hear me out. If a white man assaults a black man because he is black, that racist. If a black man assaulted a white man because he was black, is that not racism? Is that not a hate crime? We need to learn to listen. So if you're white and reading this, I beg of you to share you're racist experiences. I'll share one of mine.

When I was in 5th grade, a white girl behind me said the n word. I didn't really realize it, until she said it again, and again...

And again.

So I told her not to say it. She pulls the
stereotypical ignorance card and says, "I didn't know." She knew. And i truly believe she said it around me on purpose. I had know her for years, and we had had conversations in class about the origin of said word. I wanted to punch her in the mouth. Then the next year, another boy called me the n word, a Hispanic boy. I went into a whole thing about it,  and I was so upset, I went to my teacher about it. She said she would handle it.

Guess what?

She did not. When I got in trouble the next week for a totally unrelated topic and asked my principal if my teacher had spoken to her yet, it appeared she didn't. So my teacher ignored a racist remark towards me. And that's the issue.

White people have these discrimination issue, right? If they are mentioned in any capacity we're making everything about race, or we're racist. Yet when BLACK people have an issue, they want us to get over. But I've already spoken on this.

White people are judged. In some parts of Africa, white are being killed at an alarming rate. If that's not racism, what is? Oh wait, racism! Racism isn't just reserved for minorities because in a sense, we're all minorities. I saw this really interesting post today by septicbooperdooper and it really got my gears turning. This user said they they live in a predominantly black community. So in that community, they are the minority. See what I'm saying? You can't say that white people don't experience racism, because in their specific areas, they do.

For instance, I go to an all white school. We've got 20 black kids there tops. Yet, if I lived in the "hood" I would be the majority. Because then, there's more of us there than them. Would I still experience racism? Absolutely yes. Probably even more because I'm seen as "hood" but for white people, it's different.

If a white person grew up in the hood, they would probably be discriminated against or prejudiced against. Take that same white person, and place them in the white communities, the suburbs. They're safer there, because whites can really only experience racism in few places. If a black girl lives a white only life, and appeals to the white race more, she would still be discriminated against just as bad as a girl from the hood, and most likely would be brainwashed in a sense, to go against her own race to be accepted. So yes, all people of all colors can be discriminated against.

I dont trust white people. Not because of what they did necessarily, but because of what society did. They put you at the top of the hierarchy and made you king. So whites thought they could say or do whatever that wanted to me, because they're better than me. White people, I don't hate you for hating me. I hate them for making you feel like you could. I hate them for dividing us. And don't preach all lives matter, because guess what?! If all lives mattered, George Floyd wouldn't be in a grave right now for suspected criminal activity. Ahmad Aubrey wouldn't be in a grave for suspected criminal activity. You know what the worst part is?

The called him a nigger right before they

Let that sink in.

It wasn't because he was guilty of a crime:

It was because he was black.

Breonna Taylor was killed for suspected criminal activity


What do you all think?
Comment and chat your experiences PLEASE
Love you all

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