02. Lesson #1: "Black Girls Are Beautfiul"

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Okay. I see a lot of comments from black women that say "black girls are beautfiul." And then I see underneath  that comment that says "all girls are beautfiul." If you say this, stop and really listen.

Here's the issue. White people and are the standard of beauty. And when we are considered "beautfiul" we are light skinned or biracial. Black women are seen as "dirty" and/or "ghetto." Now don't get me wrong, all women are beautfiul. And I don't think you're beautfiul because of your race. But not everybody thinks like I do. And when darkskin or browskin girls are pretty, they're "cute for a darkskin."

If you're white, you're not "cute for a white girl." You're just cute.

And ask a light skinned African American, that is an issue for me.
Browskin and darkskin girls are just as beautiful as light skins, and if black people think lightskins are better, I believe that they're more focused of their more European features. Now this doesn't go for everybody, but I think for most it does. What other reason would you like the lightskinned version of a girl that's darkskin when the look the same?  I really don't know why it's such an issue, but unfortunately, it is. I'm fighting to fix  it, too.

Now, about the black girls are beautfiul. If you oppose that statement, please stop. Black girls don't get the recognition that we deserve. Just let us have our moment.

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