06. Lesson #5 "Crying Wolf"

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The double standards are starting to get on my last nerve. Listen up.

Once, I saw a comment that said "this is the whitest drama I have ever seen." Now, from my black eyes, it wasn't racist. Because the joke was that all the people in the drama were white. Now note, this was written by a white person. In the comments I saw them being called a "racist" and things like that.

Now, I look at another comment on another video. A white woman and black woman were fighting. Now note, the black woman was minding her business, and food was spat on her. Now natrually, you would be upset and maybe even throw hands, which is what she did. Under the comments I saw comments like, "it's always the black girls." "Black girls are so ghetto and digusting."

When I brought light to it, I was told to "get over it." When I clicked on the commenters username, there was a comment that I clicked on.

The following is an example, and yes it is my yt account.

The irony? The first comment of 3 that I saw, was that of an innocent comment that said, "most black people have kinky curls

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The irony? The first comment of 3 that I saw, was that of an innocent comment that said, "most black people have kinky curls."

Their comment: "why make everything about race?"

The double standards are hilarious! I mean, when I bring light to my own racism, I am making everything about race. White people struggle too. Racism doesn't exist. Just a lot of unfair bull. I hate people like that. You will not tell me that I'm being dramatic or crying wolf, and then suddenly when you're being discriminated against, it's an issue. I want everybody to feel equal, but if you're going to tell me to get over it, I am the rest of the black community, will tell you the exact same thing..

Sorry not sorry.

And it's like we can't talk about race at all without "pulling the race card." Like what?! People want to deny racism, but then when they are facing it, it suddenly exists again. Suddenly, we're racist because we're too focused on ourselves.  But whatever. My opinion doesn't matter, right? I should just get over it, right? Because the white man can tell me how I deserve to feel as a black girl, who went to an all white school, hating my skin because i was so different. I don't have an opinion, because I don't know what I've gone through. Right? Because somebody else can tell me how to feel about my experiences. That's like telling a sexual assault victim, it's okay because people get raped all the time. Or people get bullied all the time. My opinion doesn't matter right? Well, you guess it...

Yes, it does. 

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