!chapter 4!

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There was a knock on the General's door, causing Kirigan to look up from the parchment he had been scratching on with a quill dipped in ink. The sun had gone down a while ago but he seemed to be known by the others in the Little Palace to work late and not get much sleep.

Earlier that day, he had found the Sun Summoner on one of his own sandskiff after it had been attacked by the Volrca, someone had lit a lamp.

Alina Starkov was the Sun Summoner.

And if he didn't find the Sankta luminya, and quick, she would be the one to vanquish the Fold.

"Yes?" He called to the person on the other side of the door.

It opened and in stepped Ivan, his gloved hands pulled behind his back as he walked a little ways into the room.

"Sir, we've found something." Ivan said, almost suspiciously, causing the General to raise an eyebrow at him and give his full attention.

"What has been found?"

"The Phoenix."

General Kirigan's sly smile grew at the news. The Sun Summoner and The Phoenix in the same day. Everything he need to finish his plan.

He hadn't planned on finding the Phoenix, not knowing if he would be able to even predict when the Omni would be resurrected. His plan was to just use the Sun Summoner as they would be able to do as the Phoenix, just not as powerfully but this was perfect.

"Perfect. Prepare the carriages and my horse. It's time for the Phoenix to return..for good."


After whatever energy that had been unleashed from inside Seraphine had returned inside her, she passed out and the guards moved her into a cell. She didn't think they knew what to do with her, she didn't even know what to do. What was she?

A monster.

The tiny cell she had been out in was small and cramped. There was only one source of light that was coming in and it was coming from a little window with thick bars in front of it. There were cracks in the walls and dirt on the ground that now covered her feet and the underside of her legs.

In the small reflective surface of water that had formed in the ground from dripping, she could see her eyes were now yellowish-orange from her dark brown eyes normally. She gasped at the new discovery as she tried to blink and make it go away.

Seraphine shut her eyes as tight as she could before opening them and the added color was gone, along with the matching veins that ran along the sides of her face. When she felt her arms, she felt so much heat coming off of her, like she had a terrible fever her body couldn't break.

It made her paranoid and worried about what was going to happen to her.

What were they going to do to with her if she freaked out again?


Seraphine didn't know how long she was locked in that tiny cell for.

Her body was a scrunched up position with her knees pulled up to her chest while the side of her head and body was leaned against the wall. Sweat started to drip slightly from her forehead as she panted slightly, the heat her body was creating starting to get to her.

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