!chapter 12!

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"Every Grisha is trained by Baghra to harness their power. It is quite brutal," The Apparat explained, leading her away from the Little Palace and towards the woods beyond. Alina had spilt off at some point as she didn't have training with the Baghra woman til later on.

"Fantastic." Seraphine said sarcastically.

"Mostly the peasants hate the Grisha, but I think it is because the Grisha do not suffer. But...you have suffered, haven't you? I think you will suffer more." They had stopped for a second as he continued talking to her.

The Apparat extended an arm towards the path to the small hut, gesturing to her that she would be continuing alone. She started walking, looking around at the foggy environment around her.

At the end of the path, shrouded in the trees was the hut, opening the door through it seemed to lead down into an underground cave area, assumingly where she would be training with this Baghra. Fantastic...a spooky cave making everything better.

Seraphine let her hand guide her along the stone wall of the cave, the only thing illuminating the place was the light coming from outside and the dim candles.

"Hello?" She called out, her voice echoing out as she continued walking down. There were bones along some of the walls and a small crack in the ceiling that let light pour through. The place was decorated like a house, a small dig in fire in the middle to warm the cauldron that sat on top of it.

"You're late." The curly haired god whipped around to see a old woman, stringy grey hair, wrinkled skin and dagger like eyes that looked her up and down. It had been like she came out of nowhere. "Let's have a look at you."

Baghra spoke again as she started circling Seraphine like a vulture. "A goddess who wastes her time training with that Inferni, Zara her name was. Are you going to punch your way through the Shadow Fold?"

The rhetorical question made her face harden as she glared at the old woman, old hag more like. But she still said nothing as to not lose her temper.

"Where is the rest of you?" She still didn't speak, forcing herself to focus her mind on happy things. "Are you mute, girl?"

"No, I am not." Seraphine said without hesitation this time.

"That's something, I suppose." Before turning her short body and walking a few steps toward to sit in a chair. Baghra nodded to the chair across from hers for the god to sit. Seraphine sat down even if she really didn't want to. Once she did, she started firing questions at her.

"Where are your your parents?"

"Dead, I presume."

"Where did you grow up?"

"Adena. Just off of-"

"I know where Adena is. You slipped through the cracks and stayed where you didn't belong."

"It not like a had a choice in the matter. I only found out a few days ago and after I did, the general came and brought me here."

"Where do you belong then?"

"Among the dead, as most of the Saints are." She seethed at her, her answer seemingly surprise Baghra, or her tone, as her eyes widened barely in notice.

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