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"what you doing lil girl"

"nothing rn why y'all ain't tell me she was here"

"Cause xay said you had company or whatever and he ain't wanna hear your mouth"


"where my cheating buddy at"

"hey pooty" i said poking my head into the camera and he got all excited.

"y'all know it's a party tonight?"

"hell nawl, why you ain't tell us" we both said in unison.

"mane it don't matter, y'all trynna go tn or naw?"

"yeah i am" Nasia said.

"ehhh i'll think about it"

"no you're thinking about it you're going"

"i don't got nothing to wear."

"Nasia put some of the shit you be wearing and give it to her or some" Xavier said in the background.

"yeah do that" pooty agreed

"if you not going we not going so go" nasia said.

"okay i'll go"

"what time is it and where's it at"

"i think it said 8 and i'll text you address later just remind me."


"aight" he ended the call

"ughhh why he gotta start being fine GROSSSSS" she called out making me chuckle.


I went ahead and got dressed along with Nasia, we wanted to coordinate

I went ahead and got dressed along with Nasia, we wanted to coordinate

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this is what i had on ^^

and this is what she had on^^

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and this is what she had on^^

We both looked good i thought i wouldn't be able to fit her clothes since she was a bit skinnier than me but it worked out.

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