Day & Night (Lonely)

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The sun awakes

And shines over the landscape

I am still fast asleep

But you're already

As busy as a bee

Each day

I awaken

With hopes for a better one

Because so far

There's been none


As the sun travels throughout the sky

And brightens the land

I wish you

Were holding my hand

Each day

Seems to get lonelier


The sun reaches its peak at about noon

You're already home from school

And I long to be too

Each day

It's harder to

Stay awake


Eventually noon turns into afternoon

The problems have gathered in a pile

If only they were recyclable

Hoping to talk to you

Each day

There's nothing better

To do


Afternoon shifts to evening

I have done only the absolute minimum

And you're already sleeping

As I reflect on my day

There's nothing much else to say

Each day

My mood swings

Between the times

Between the tides


Evening is finally night

I hop into my bed

And barely whisper good night


I've been tossing and turning

For an hour or two

After numerous failures

Of attempting to fall fast asleep

An eye creaks open

And the side next to me?

Is completely empty

This is when I feel the most lonely



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