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Furious at a notion of kindness

Let alone love

For that, the world before now never allowed

She presumed it was a fake, a plot

The worst

She was all too familiar in giving love, and found it worst 

But in how to stand it, sit back and receive

Was so, rightfully so

An aspect she cursed

And what he wanted, she was searching desperately

For she was wont to knowledge

And damned if something escape her

"But I do not have a chest, only one of a twelve year old boy" she reasoned

"And I have been told I'm smart but clearly in this matter I am not!" she logiced

Quite dumb

And in previous matters, she added

"I look and observe and act, oh God and the things that come out of my trap, 

They're so awkward!"

So cold and so uncomfortable

And so alone


A new experience she could not comprehend 

For the house she was brought up in

Ironic, full of such conditional love

"I love you...

If you do as I ask"

How can child know

That game being played, thrown into? 

What a child does know is this

Acceptance or no

Maybe never quite so


Perhaps rolling

Double six

All of it was just an afterthought

That die were part of the game of life

And when the roll came up snake eyes

The child saw the game flip

And lo and behold!



Of earth's possible goodness and, in turn kind

She only bartered the rarest, emotions and feelings

On things solid and as concrete

She fled around and behind corners

Forced interaction was cut short

When interaction went awry, very beautifully awry

She did not

Would not and could not know

What to say, 

To do?!

She froze, for she's cold

And let the warm

Try, just try

Wash her away


Still paranoid

Bit by bit

The Ice Age is slowly coming to close

And now from corners she peeps from behind and around

Her skills in the theatre and acting, transforming

"Oh? I did not know you were here, I was just out walking, on my way. . ."

Well to see you and conjure up a path and a way

Tell me now, are you here to stay? 

Actually take it back

Don't answer

You'll tell me you are and that'll end and you'll leave

Or you'll say the opposite, possibly the truth

And I'll run on out

Commitment is not my strong suit

Diamonds too vain, unreliable

Spades and clubs, weapons of war and mass destruction too reliable

Hearts are too fragile, and unreliable

All I need is you to

But listen

Just stay

Be unafraid and make my fears go away

Love: A Collection of StoriesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя