The Awaking of Hiccup's Spirit Form

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This is Berk. Now, Berk may seem like a cold and hopeless place but, we are packed with a few surprises. To start, we have a dragon problem, now some others might have mosquitos or a nasty contagious cough but we have dragons. Lots and lots of dragons.

Now the people of Berk are not too keen on dragons. They hate dragons. Dragons are mindless and murderous beasts. At least that's what I've been told. But our dragon problem is one of our dullest surprises.

Since Berkians can remember, every person in their teenage years will gain the ability to shapeshift into their spirit animal. You don't know what age you'll gain the ability exactly but it always happens in your teens.

For example, the chief of Berk, Stoick the Vast. As a teen, he was a ruthless Viking and killed many dragons even before he came of age. When he was around 18 years old, Stoick gained his ability to shapeshift into his spirit animal. Your spirit animal is influenced by your personality and traits. So Stoick's spirit animal was a giant lion.

Now for many people, your spirit animal may not be what you're expecting, you don't really get a choice in the matter. Some people may think they'll turn into the fiercest wolf but end up turning into a small dog. But for Stoick, it worked out well for him, his form commanded attention and respect.

Another thing about spirit forms is that you can't repress them. Your spirit body needs to be used so if you stay in your human form for longer than you should, the gods punish you and you're stuck in your spirit form for days.

However, you can remain in your spirit form for weeks and you'll never be forced to turn back human. No one knows why. Perhaps it's because you've already spent so much time as a human? But then again that theory can probably be disproved easily.

Throughout Berkian history, not one Viking has ever had a dragon as their spiritual form. From what I'm guessing it's because Vikings loath dragons so much, hating dragons is part of their personality so it makes no sense for a dragon loathing Viking to be a dragon.

I wonder what would happen if a Berkian turned into a dragon?

"Oi! Hiccup quit doodling in your journal and actually help in the forge instead of just lollygagging around!" Gobber yelled, pulling Hiccup from his thoughts.

Hiccup sighed and tossed his pencil onto his workbench.

"Sword, sharpen. Now," Gobber ordered, dropping a sword into Hiccup's arms. Hiccup nearly buckled from the sudden weight.

"You're goin' to have to man the forge for a bit laddie, I'll be gone for a few days. my spirit animal demands to be let loose!" Gobber exclaimed, stretching his back. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"You mean your spirit animal demands to take a nap in a cave somewhere," Hiccup chucked, sharpening the sword.

"Ay, can't help it, laddie, that's what bears do!" Gobber said. "Just you wait until you get your spirit animal, it could be any day now, you're fifteen! Fifteen is the time most people get their spirit forms."

Hiccup rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"It could also be one to four more years Gobber," Hiccup sighed. Gobber shrugged and pat his apprentice on the shoulder.

"You seem a bit snarkier than usual, is it your father again, or was it Snotlout?" Gobber asked. Hiccup sighed again.

"Dad has been so persistent about putting me in dragon-killing school so I can become a real Viking. But no matter how many times I tell him he just won't listen! I don't want to fight dragons," Hiccup said defeatedly. Gobber sighed in sympathy for Hiccup.

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