Chapter 1: Undesirable

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I sighed as dread filled my stomach, my hand shaking as I applied my black eyeliner into a decent flick. Even though my best friend, Kate, believed getting out was a good idea I felt the complete opposite. Granted I needed to leave my house more, but when you have anxiety paired with OCD it can make your life tiring enough just staying put. I already was frustrated by how long it took me to do my makeup, since I was picky about using clean brushes and keeping my hands free of dirt as well. When I finally was happy with my complexion I slipped into a plain, black dress which was not meant to be provocative, even the v-neck not giving emphasis to my chest. All I wished to do was go to the party, live through it, and then not leave my house for another month, except to run errands. My dad was the famous talk show host, Johnny Carson, so that was why I was able to keep a nice home without working. I did plan on securing a job in the next year, but at the moment my mental health was not good. I forced a convincing smile after pulling my dark auburn hair straight back into a ponytail, my light green orbs appearing drained already. It seemed all I had to do was blink, and I was magically sitting in the back of Kate's car with her chauffeur.

"Okay, so I know you hate it when I try to set you up with someone, since you're not keen on being in a relationship, but I swear, you would be perfect for Leonardo. We did a movie together recently, and he is such a funny, sweet, nice, and charismatic guy. I think you two would hit it off."

"I guess I can meet him," I murmured, faking a smile as I pressed my lips into a straight line.

Soon we were at the club, which was basically a hot spot for various celebrities. I called it a party before, but it wasn't really. It just felt as intimidating as one to me.

I passed through the main doors, Kate instantly waving to a group of guys she recognized.

"Hello, Leo," she exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, Kate," the blonde enthusiastically replied.

"This is Pamela," Kate instantly introduced me, but the boy only gave a polite nod in my direction.

"It's nice to meet you," he spoke before turning to his friends. "Like I was saying, when they let me on the racing course, they let me take the car over 100 mph."

"No way, man," the guy with dark brown hair reacted.

"Yeah, they said I was a natural, and that if I wasn't an actor I could be a Nascar driver."

"That would be so cool. Do you ever think you would actually do it?"

"Nah. I mean, I have heard you get a lot of girls that way. They think you might be dying on your next race, so they get really romantic, but I think I'll pass."

"Still a womanizer, I see," Kate teased, bumping into his shoulder, but I didn't find the joke entirely false. The way that Leo held himself and sipped on his drink as he glanced around the room, indicated he might not be entirely sincere. "Why don't you get Pamela a drink?" She winked in my direction as a blush rose to my cheeks.

"Alright," Leo simply agreed, leading as we wove through the mass of sweaty bodies. "What kind of drink do you like?" He leaned the his arm on the counter as he looked over at me. I froze when I realized how blue his eyes were, even glowing in the lack of light.

"Um... a whiskey, please, but only a shot. I don't drink much alcohol," I explained, touching my opposite arm as I spoke to the ground.

"One shot of whiskey, please," Leo ordered, the bartender sliding the small shot glass over. "Here." He handed it to me but I hesitated, since he had just touched the outside.

I went ahead and just ignored my paranoia, downing the burning alcohol.

"So, you're a friend of Kate's."

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