Chapter 6: Please Be Understanding

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I couldn't believe that by the next day Leo and I were already on our fourth date. It had been pretty simple, us grabbing supper before heading over to the park. I was clad in a plain, violet sweater with dark jeans and white Converse.

"You want me to push you on the swing," Leo offered, but I didn't want him to know I was scared of touching the chains.

"Why don't I push you," I suggested.

"Me?" He looked at me amused before sitting on the blue, curved seat.

"Yeah, I want to push you." I blushed as I looked into his blue eyes, going to stand behind him as he helped me by stepping far back to get the swing started. "Leo..." I quietly laughed, since his legs were so long he was higher than I could reach. He then kicked off though, moving only a tiny bit as I tried pushing him to keep him going. My face heated up when I touched his bottom by mistake, but I couldn't lie I did find it attractive.

"You checking me out," Leo teased, tilting his head all the way back as he soared into the air.

"N-no," I stammered, repeatedly touching him there, but not intentionally. It's just he would get so high that it was hard to reach his waist. He laughed out loud before abruptly stopping with his feet directly on the small pebbles. He then twisted the chains around, so that he was facing me.

"Come here, Pamela," he softly said, gesturing to his lap with his eyes. I went ahead and cautiously sat on it, squeaking when he suddenly twisted back around. My arms flew around his neck as my heart raced, feeling him wrap his arms loosely where my middle was.

"I can't believe this is our fourth date already," I softly giggled. "You really weren't lying when you said you liked me, huh?"

"No, I just thought I'd string you along practically all day every day," he sarcastically answered before shooting me a sweet grin.

"What do you like about me? I know we haven't been out much, but I still don't understand it. I mean, I'm so quiet and awkward, and you're charismatic and outgoing."

"I like a lot of things about you, Pamela. I like how you like me to protect you, how you're so tense but always relax when I hug you, the way you kiss me, your sense of style, your rare eyes, how you seem like a really kind person. I'm crazy about you already." He chuckled lowly as he ducked his head into my shoulder when I hugged him.

"We've barely kissed. How can you say you like kissing me?"

"Pamela, please just take the compliments," he lightly pleaded, his blue orbs wavering between mine.

"Okay... You know what I like about you?"

"No, what?" He gripped my waist as I situated myself a bit better.

"How nice you are, and you are really attractive."


"Yeah," I confirmed, chewing on my lower lip as I could tell he couldn't stop staring at it.

"I would kiss you more. It's just sometimes I get the feeling you don't want me to kiss you," he explained, now biting his own lips.

"I don't mean to." I lowered my gaze as I flinched when he almost touched my chin.

"Like that. Pamela, what's wrong? Why don't you want me touching you? Did someone hurt you in your past?"

"N-no. I just didn't expect it," I lied, forcing a smile.

He gave me an unconvinced look filled with concern as I stared at the ground. "You know you can be honest with me, right?"

"I don't think you would understand. I feel stupid enough about the way I am. If you knew you would probably hate me, so let's not talk about it..."

"I want to know what's wrong, Pamela. I don't want to push you into telling me, but something's definitely wrong. You think I'm blind to it? You never want me to touch you except for hugs and occasional kisses, and yesterday you were in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes at the aquarium."

I couldn't meet his gaze as guilt welled into my stomach along with embarrassment and shame. "I have OCD," I whispered. I thought Leo hadn't heard me, but judging by his focused expression he had. "It's not the worst, but it's not so good either. I mean, it's gotten worse since my mental health went downhill. I have anxiety too, and I know it's hard for people to deal with. So, if you want to leave me now, then that's okay. I've never gotten this far with a boy, so I guess it's progress in a way."

"I have OCD too," Leo quietly confided.

"What? You have it?"

"Yeah, but it's mostly things like having the urge to walk through doors multiple times. When I was a kid I had to step on every crack from school, and then literally go all the way back and do it again. I can force myself to stop now, so it's not a big part of my life, but it is there."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I shakily touched his chest as I felt less afraid with knowing he was kind of in the same boat.

"It's okay. I'm not going to leave you, Pamela. I was actually going to ask you on another date tomorrow."

"Really? 5 whole days in a row?" My eyes lit up as he chuckled softly, his own ocean eyes shimmering.

"Yeah, 5 whole days," he repeated, taken a bit off guard when I suddenly kissed him. Pretty soon he had relaxed into it, me chancing opening my mouth a little so we could do more than a peck. I felt him cautiously touch my lower lip with the tip of his tongue, me surprised it didn't bother me. It was just something about hands that made me feel germs were everywhere, yet with Leo I tended to forget that too when we were kissing. I felt his tongue brush over my bottom lip more when I didn't pull away, me opening my mouth wider before he slipped it inside. I almost wanted to giggle from nerves and how it tickled a bit when he rubbed his tongue with mine, but I stopped myself. I felt his hands getting tangled in my hair as he moaned softly, suddenly parting as I breathed a bit heavily, my red lipstick staining his lips.

"Whoa," he breathed, staring at me as I processed what just happened.

"I know," I commented, feeling my shyness taking over as I stared at the pebbles beneath us.

"Are you sure you're okay with me kissing you like that," he checked.

"Yeah, it doesn't bother me. I mean, I really liked it." I pecked his lips as he kissed back, just gazing fondly into his azure orbs. "I don't want you to treat me any different than before. Just please be understanding, okay?"

"Okay," he agreed, giving me a reassuring kiss and light squeeze around the middle. I could feel myself falling from my reserved state, and it was terrifying yet exhilarating at the same time that now I truly felt like I could be myself around Leo, or at least more than before.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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