Chapter 4: Second Date

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"Goodnight, Pamela," Leo told me at my front door, butterflies still fluttering in my tummy.

"Goodnight, Leo," I breathed, not even caring it was 11 already.

"Can I kiss you goodnight?"

I nodded eagerly, smiling against his lips when he gently pulled my face to his from the back of my head. "Goodnight." I didn't even realize I was just repeating words, since I was so caught up in him. I didn't want him to leave as his bright blue eyes gazed into mine.

"Goodnight," he echoed, letting go to walk to his car. I was on cloud 9 as I entered my house, but after 5 minutes reality set in. I took a shower every night that lasted around 2 and a half hours. The reason it took so long was I would brush my teeth, use a special scrub on my face, wash my hands a million times, etc. I sighed as my anxiety set in despite how happy I was at the same time. I went ahead and started my routine, my heart pounding when it dawned on me how late it was. I wouldn't be done until after midnight, a lump forming in my throat as I hurriedly did things. At around 2 in the morning I was finally in a fresh pair of pajamas, which were long, light weight, blue pants with a cute, little bow in the front, and a matching t-shirt. I sat on top of the covers on my bed, applying lotion onto my legs and my arms. After that was done, I settled beneath the covers, prepared to watch television for a little while. I just couldn't concentrate though, and I chewed on my lower lip as I tip toed into the main room. I found Leo's yellow sweater on the couch, since I had forgotten to give it back earlier. Normally I wouldn't let anything touch my skin after my shower that wasn't washed, but I shakily held it up close to my nose, inhaling the citrus cologne. I was aware that some of my sweat might be in it as well, but I shakily pulled it over my head, trembling as I chanced such a simple thing. I was still shaking as I hugged myself, feeling kind of hot and gross, but then I smelled that scent again, and I could feel myself slowly surrendering. I crawled back into my bed, shutting off my television and cuddling up in my sheets with the warm sweater. I hadn't even realized I completely zonked out until I heard my phone ringing. I squinted an eye open against the sunlight streaming through my slightly open curtains, grabbing the pink cord phone off my night stand.

"Hello?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as they felt dry.

"So, how did your date go last night with Leo," Kate piped up.

"Oh yeah, Leo..."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten him already," she teased.

"No, I just woke up, and I'm wearing his sweater..."

I heard a squeal on the other line as I winced at the high pitched sound. "Is Leo still there too?"

"What? No! Oh goodness, no. I mean, it was just a first date, Kate. He lent me his sweater on the beach, and I forgot to give it back."

"Did you two at least kiss?"

"Yeah... We kissed twice. Once on the beach, and then another goodnight one."

"This is so exciting! So, you two really hit it off then?"

"Yeah, I think so, but it was still really awkward. I mean, we both said we had a good time."

"How was the restaurant?"

"It was super nice. I don't even know why Leo would want to see me again though. He said I was doing fine, but I was making a fool of myself all night."

"I'm sure you weren't, Pamela. You're just too hard on yourself. Have you made plans for another date then?"

"No..." I sighed. "He said he wanted to get to know me better, but he was probably just being polite." My stomach clenched as the negativity overpowered the positive feelings from the previous night. "I better go. I need to get ready for the day. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, I'll talk to you later as well. I want to hear all the details about you and Leo." I could practically see her wink before she hung up.

I went ahead and did my surprisingly short morning routine of only half an hour, just cuddling up on the couch to watch some television. I had kept my pajamas on for the time being, Leo's sweater still over them. I jumped when I heard the doorbell, freaking out as my mind thought of all the worst case scenarios of a burglar, a murderer, or someone needing to use my phone and coughing on it. My mind was a mess.

I cautiously opened it up, just blinking as I stared at Leo, not understanding what he was doing here.

"Hey," he simply said, his hands tucked in his pants pockets.

"Hey," I managed to get out, smiling shyly as I joined my hands behind me.

"I came to get my sweater, but I see you're already using it." He faintly smirked as I felt my face rising a hundred degrees.

"Sorry, it was just really soft and it smelled good. I mean- Sorry, that was weird. I'm sor-"

"Pamela, relax. It's okay." He gently gripped my shoulders as he forced me to look into his eyes. "Since I'm already here, would you like to go on a second date?"

"Really? Okay. I just have to get changed." I laughed a bit nervously as I looked down at my attire.

"That's okay. Just take your time. There's no rush," he waved off. "Do you mind if I watch some t.v. while you're gone?"

"Oh, no, that's okay," I said, nervously handing him the remote. I still felt uneasy about him touching my things, but not nearly as bad as yesterday. I couldn't help but dream what his hand would feel like, but I was still too scared to make it a reality.

After putting on a pair of faded blue jeans and a light pink top with darker pink stripes, I went ahead and just threw my hair up into a ponytail. I kept my usual makeup routine of everything though, hesitating on my favorite shade of red lipstick. I decided to just go for it, keeping my eyeshadow simple to even it out. When Leo saw me over his shoulder from the couch, I noticed him discreetly looked me up and down before his eyes landed on my face. He smiled some as he stood, flipping off the current program to meet me.

"You look so beautiful, Pamela," he complimented, causing me to blush red.

"You too," I gushed, my face resembling a tomato from my words.

All he did was smile sweetly though, reaching for me before he realized my hands were joined behind my back again.

"Let's go," he spoke, walking in front.

Eventually we were at a bowling alley, and I mentally refused to touch my face until I washed my hands after handling the bowling balls. Leo was super talented, securing strike after strike, while I was only doing a fair job. In the end he was obviously the winner, and I had this urge to hug him, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"You did so great, Leo. It seemed unfair being up against you," I expressed.

"I didn't care if I won or not. I just wanted to spend time with you," he shrugged, my heart melting with joy.

"We haven't gotten to talk much, not like I'm good at that anyway..." I laughed extra quietly as my heart pounded when Leo was about to leave the building. "Um, I'm just going to wash my hands real quick." I bated my breath for his reaction, not sure anymore what parts of me were normal or strange.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll go do that too," he agreed. Something occurred to me while I was in front of the sink, scrubbing my hands for 10 seconds longer than the required 20 and hoping no one walked in and noticed. Right now the restroom was empty, which I preferred. The thought I had was if Leo's washing his hands now, then that means they're clean, and that means...

"Whoa! You miss me that much," Leo quietly chuckled when I darted out of the winding entrance to grab his hand.

"Sorry. I just wanted to do that yesterday, but I didn't," I explained, a bit out of breath. His palm really was so soft and his fingers were long yet sturdy and they intertwined with mine, and I wanted to cry from how sparks flew between us, and how much I liked this boy already. Maybe he never would have to find out about my odd tendencies. Perhaps I would change just because of how much I liked him. Of course life doesn't exactly work that way, but I was so caught up in this moment, I so desperately wanted to believe that.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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