Chapter 7: Can You Stay the Night?

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"Hey daddy," I answered the phone in the living room as Leo and I cuddled on the couch. We had originally planned on going on a hike, but it had been raining all day. Now we were just in my house, watching television close to one another.

"Hey. How are you," my dad wondered.

"I'm doing... good. I met Leonardo DiCaprio, you know the actor that's in that upcoming movie, Titanic?"

"Oh yeah, he seems like a nice young man."

"Yeah, well, we've been going out for 5 days now in a row. He's really sweet and understanding, and makes me so happy." Leo beamed at me as he listened in on our conversation. "And I was wondering if he could be on your show sometime. He really deserves all the recognition in the world. I just saw a few of his movies, and he's so talented." I felt Leo dip his mouth into the crook of my neck as he just rested it there.

"Of course, but I would like to meet him myself beforehand. I'm really glad you've finally found someone. I was worried maybe my string of bad luck in marriages had affected you."

"No, daddy. I understand that it just didn't work out. It's my stupid OCD and anxiety that's been getting in the way for me, but Leo really took the time to get to know me."

"Any guy that respects my little girl that much sounds great. What do you say I meet him tomorrow, and I can schedule for him to be on the tonight show this upcoming Saturday? That gives the producers a week to work things out with his agents, and time for me to get to know him first."

"Alright. I'll have to ask him, but I'm sure it will be okay." I felt warm air as Leo sighed through his nose barely audible.

"Okay. I love you, honey. I'll talk to you soon."

"I love you too, daddy," I replied, hanging up the phone as Leo lifted up his blue orbs cutely. I was currently in a lavender off shoulder top with puffed up, half sleeves and three dark, big buttons that went down the middle in front. My jeans were just a pair of faded ones I had owned for awhile. "What," I asked as Leo just situated his chin better on my shoulder. His arms were snugly wrapped around me as my green eyes gazed fondly into his.

"What did your dad want," he asked.

"He wanted to meet you tomorrow, if that's okay, and to also get you on the tonight show this upcoming Saturday. Is that all okay?"

"Fuck yeah. I would love to meet your dad. He is such a legend."

I giggled extra softly as I rubbed my nose against his, not really as squeamish about touching each other when we weren't in public. It just always felt like when we were out there were more germs lurking around. "I think he already likes you. He's a pretty easy going guy, and I told him how you've been treating me."

"I heard." Leo faintly smirked as we forgot about the current program.

"It's getting kind of late," I noticed, glancing at the clock that read 10.

"Alright, do you want me to go?" He was already standing, since he knew I took a long time to get ready for bed, so I preferred to have earlier nights.

"No...," I sighed. "But yes."

"I don't think your dad would appreciate me staying too long with you," he quietly chuckled.

"He would never know how long you stay. It's just you and me here," I weakly smiled.

Leo was adjusting his brown, leather jacket when I heard the rain lightly hitting the window panes. At first it was comforting, but then the wind picked up and it was a downpour. My heart rate sped up as the storm grew fierce outside, squeaking when the lights flickered. One of my worst fears was not being able to take my daily shower routine due to a power outage. I really was freaking out when there was a loud thud outdoors, and we were immersed in darkness.

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