Chapter 8: Why Can't You Look at Me

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Two and a half hours later I was entering my bedroom, the lamp still on beside Leo. He looked up when I entered the room, smiling faintly.

"Hey, I'm surprised you're still up," I admitted, awkwardly putting lotion on my legs with my long pajama pants on.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep," he shrugged. "And I wanted to see you before I fell asleep."

I ducked my head to hide the silly smile attacking my face before looking over at him. "It's pretty late."

"I know." His eyes kept flickering from my face to my hands that were running the cold substance on my legs. "Do you still have my sweater?"

I hesitantly nodded, bringing it from beneath my sheets before walking over to him. "Sorry I didn't give it back sooner. It doesn't really smell like you anymore, so it's not as comforting."

"I know where you can smell my cologne again. Come here," he gently ordered, pulling me onto the bed with him, his hand respectfully resting on my waist as I faced him.

"Was this your plan? To trick me into getting into bed with you," I joked, in love with how he brushed a loose strand of my wet hair back.

"Nah, I just wanted to comfort you." He then held me close against his chest, me cautiously pressing my freshly washed face against his shirt. He tangled our legs as I blushed brightly, him somehow able to reach over to turn off the light. All I could hear was our steady breathing as I struggled to fully relax. I felt Leo rubbing my back though before scratching it. Even though I couldn't feel much with his short nails, it still was nice and comforting. My body finally stopped being so tense, feeling him kiss my forehead repeatedly. I couldn't remember the exact moment I fell asleep, but when I woke up it was morning, blinding sunlight streaming in. I looked over at Leo who was fondly touching a strand of my hair. "You have a curl, Pamela."

I blushed a tiny bit as I sat up, which was a bit uncomfortable since our legs had still been joined. "Yeah, sometimes my hair curls if I sleep on it wet. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. Did you?" He kissed my lips extra softly as my head spun.

"Yes." I chewed on my lower lip before swinging my legs over the side of the mattress. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. I should be in there for about half an hour. Is that okay?"

"You don't have to ask, Pamela. It's your house." He gently ran his fingertips up and down my arm, causing me to shiver.

"Alright. I'll see you soon." I hurried off as my heart pounded once I was in the bathroom. I couldn't believe I had done that. Normally I had this strict rule that I could only lie on one side of my pillow, and I didn't want my clean face touching anything else, but here I was, bending my normalcy for Leo. I still cleaned things with sanitizing wipes first thing though, always doing that before I got ready for the day. My hand washing routine was still the same, but at least I didn't feel like such an outcast anymore.

When I emerged into the living room, Leo was already in the kitchen beside it, fixing some pancakes. "Here you go," he spoke, placing a couple on a plate before me at the bar. All of a sudden he had rushed off and I had no idea where he had went. I then realized I had forgotten my bobby pin in the bathroom, since I used it to pin my bangs out of the way in the mornings. When I went to get it, I instantly looked the other way.

"I am so sorry," I exclaimed, since Leo had been in there. And let's just say he was standing while doing his business. 

"It's okay, Pamela, just give me a second and you can look."

I was a blushing mess as I heard his zipper before the toilet flush, and then the sink running. "I'm just washing my hands now, Pamela," he explained, me chancing to raise my gaze.

My heart was thudding in my ears as I freaked out, grabbing my bobby pin before running out of there.

"I'm sorry. I should have locked the door, or told you I was going in there, but I had to go really bad," he told me as I sat on a brown stool in the kitchen. I couldn't even look him in the eye though, feeling embarrassed and frustrated I kept replaying the instance. "I'm not upset with you, Pamela." I felt him rubbing my upper back as I lowered my head.

"I know," I mumbled, my cheeks heating up the more I thought about it.

"Hey, look at me," he gently said, turning my chin with the side of his curved index finger despite my wincing, since he knew it was just an involuntary reaction. "It's no big deal. I'm not mad."

"I know," I repeated.

"Then why can't you look at me," he wondered as I studied the table top.

"Because I saw more than I meant to, okay? I've never seen a guy like that... Not like it was bad, just... It makes me feel weird being around you and thinking about it."

I felt him sweetly press his lips against mine, keeping it as a simple peck. "There's no pressure, Pamela. I understand. If you can't look at me for awhile, then that's okay." He lightly chuckled as my eyes widened.

"Oh! I almost forgot! We're meeting my dad tonight. I'll have to look at you then."

"That's not until supper though. We have all day," Leo pointed out. "And you're already looking at me again." He wore a half smirk as I realized he was right. I couldn't stop admiring his blue eyes for long, no matter how embarrassed I felt.

"True, but I do have to figure out what I'm going to wear. And then I'll have to do my hair and makeup. He'll probably take us to a fancy restaurant."

"I think you're already perfect just the way you are," Leo lowly stated, wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"I can't show up in pajamas and fluffy hair, Leo." I felt him kiss my cheek as I closed my eyes, just savoring the moment.

"I just remembered, I'll have to go home to get a suit and tie," Leo remarked.

"Please don't go," I pleaded in almost a whine.

"Now you want me to stay? I thought you couldn't look at me." I hated his smirk as my cheeks turned a rosy color.

"No, I can look at you. I'm over that now."

"Over or on it," he joked, causing me to die as I buried my face against his chest.

"That is so bad, Leo..."

"I know, I'm sorry. It just popped in my head." He held me close as he comfortingly rubbed circles into my back.

"You better go now or I'll never let go."

"Alright. I'll see you soon." He gave me a delicate kiss before speaking again. "I promise." Another sweet kiss and he was gone, pulling away from the fallen tree from the night before. I dreaded having to call someone to haul it away, but I knew it had to be done. I learned the tree was pretty old and that's why the strong winds had knocked it over. Thankfully it was taken away before Leo returned. I had already decided on a royal blue dress that hugged my curves with a fabric tie behind my neck to hold up the top. I frowned at how I barely had anything in my chest area, forcing myself to go ahead and settle on red lipstick for the main part of my makeup. After curling my hair I found Leo in the living room in a black suit and tie, never looking hotter.

"Hey, sorry, the door was unlocked so I just let myself in," he explained, panic rising in me for forgetting to lock up, but I was glad he was here. I stepped forward to kiss him when I heard my doorbell go off. When I answered it I found my dad standing there in a nice suit and red tie. He was pretty early.

"I thought I would come over to visit early," he said, stopping when he spotted Leo in my living room. "I didn't think he would be with us until tonight." He then spotted Leo's yellow sweater draped over the back of the couch, giving me a look. "Did he stay the night or something?"

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to sort of leave it on a cliffhanger. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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