Chapter 5: I'm Feeling Better Now

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Leo and I had spent the whole day together, and now the sky was turning dark, the stars twinkling in the sky. We were sitting in his car on a big hill that overlooked the city. Most people might come here to make out, but we were just admiring the scenery and getting to know each other better. There wasn't much talking going on at first though, since we were eating our burritos from a fast food restaurant.

"You want my cookie? I think I'm too full to eat it," Leo admitted, holding out the dessert.

"Yeah, thank you." I shyly accepted it, not minding if Leo touched it. Now that I was developing feelings for him, I wasn't as uncomfortable by his germs. Sure, the voice was still in the back of my mind, but I was able to control it sometimes.

I just happily munched on the treat as he gazed out front, chewing on his last bite of burrito.

"You know, chocolate chip cookies are my favorite dessert," I spoke up, blushing in the dim glow from his dashboard. We had the heat running, since it was a bit chilly this evening.

"Really? I guess I picked a good meal then." I felt my face turning redder as I looked the other way.

"I've had a really good time today, Leo." I chanced meeting my eyes with his, him always instantly looking at me when I talked.

"Me too. The movie was pretty good." He took a sip of his soda with a reusable straw he had brought from home.

"Yeah, it was. And lunch was incredible. I love Italian food."

"Me too," he sweetly grinned, his eyes flickering to my lips, but I moved my head to study my window. "What would you like to do tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" I whipped my head in his direction, not meaning to sound so shocked.

"Yeah, I believe it will be our 3rd date." He pretended it was hard to calculate, even though we had been hanging out every day since our first.

"Okay, what did you have in mind?" I crossed my ankles as my heart pounded from typical anxiety.

"What do you want to do, Pamela?" He raised his blue orbs as he consumed his beverage, me never seeing a more attractive sight.

"Maybe we could go to the aquarium or something? I don't go there often and I miss it," I confessed, interlocking my fingers on my lap.

"Alright. What time do you want to go," he wondered, finally setting down his empty cup.

"Um... Could we get there by 10? I don't want to get there too early or too late."

"Yeah, that's fine." He ran his fingers through his hair, the bangs falling perfectly back into place after, framing his forehead.

I chewed on my lower lip as I just admired his beauty, getting caught up in daydreams as I ached to at least touch his hand again. As usual he noticed me staring, a smile stretching across his lips.

"You want something, Pamela," he asked.

"Can I hold your hand?" I felt stupid for asking, yet I wasn't sure how to initiate it first.

"Yeah, you could have just grabbed it. Hell, I wouldn't of gotten mad if you grabbed it while I was eating."

"What?" I suppressed a giggle as he gently pressed his palm to mine before intertwining our fingers.

"I'm serious," he stated but with a laugh just beneath the surface.

"Do you think we could start heading back? It's getting kind of late." I checked the clock again, my heart accelerating at the 20 minutes after 10.

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