Chapter 2: First Date

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I just stared into the bathroom mirror, trying to mentally prepare myself for my date in 4 hours, but nothing seemed to work. Yes, that might seem like a long amount of time to get ready, but my OCD took up more time than the average person. I was already convinced that Leo would hate me, and that I would mess everything up with my lack of social skills. I went ahead and finally picked out a dress I had in mind, pulling it over my head in my bedroom. I gazed at myself in the full length mirror, smoothing it out as I frowned. The dress was the color periwinkle with some ridges on the skirt, along with sleeves that stopped at my elbows, since it was a bit chilly outside. Was this outfit too simple? Too boring? Did it even compliment me? I shook the negative thoughts away to curl my hair. That roughly took around an hour, and I was terrified I was going to burn my fingers the whole time. I had a styling wand, so there wasn't a clamp on it, only me trying to get the ends as wavy as possible. Once that was completed, I pinned my side bangs up with a bobby pin to start on my makeup. Everything felt it was taking ten times longer than usual as my nerves hit me. Finally I was happy with my rosy cheeks, brown pink lipstick, pink eyeshadow, and brown liner. I allowed my bangs to fall over my forehead again just above my eyebrow, checking the time. My eyes widened when I realized I only had an hour left, maybe less. I scampered around the house as I found my white flats, slipping those on before hurriedly drinking some water. It tended to calm me when I was nervous, and it instantly worked, me able to lean back on my couch and relax. After only 5 minutes of that though, I was sorting my purse that was so fat it was ridiculous, removing things such as my gloves. The main reason it was so full was the wad of tissues, pads, tampons, and a baggy of disinfectant wipes. When the doorbell rang my heart instantly stopped, especially since it was half an hour before 7. I nervously glided to the door, opening it to find Leo looking nice in a light yellow sweater and dark jeans.

"Hey. Sorry I'm so early. Your house didn't take as long to get to as I thought it would," he explained.

"It's okay," I forced a smile before stepping aside to allow him inside.

"Nice place. It's so clean," he observed, since that was what everyone usually first noticed about my home.

"Yeah, I was just, uh, sorting my purse for tonight, but we can leave now if you want," I stammered.

"Can I use your bathroom first? It was a long drive," Leo spoke.

"Oh, yeah, sure," I stuttered, hating how it bothered me when people used my bathroom. I was mentally screaming at myself to be normal, that it wasn't a big deal he was touching my things, that he was gorgeous, and it didn't matter, but then my heart was pounding in my ears, and the horrible thoughts haunted me.

"You okay," Leo checked after returning. I did my best smile as I hugged myself, hoping I didn't look as distraught as I felt.

"Yeah, is it okay if you just go ahead and wait in the car? I need to go to the bathroom too," I partly fabricated.

"Alright. I'm right out front," he explained, exiting the living room.

I darted into the bathroom, cleaning the doorknob, light switch, sink handles, and toilet seat and its handle, washing my hands thoroughly after. I then went ahead and tried to go to the restroom again, feeling that I was scrubbing my hands too much. I hated to admit that a weight had been lifted off my shoulders after doing all that, hoping Leo didn't find it odd it had been like 15-20 minutes.

"I'm sorry. I guess I had a few other things I had to do too," I claimed after climbing in the passenger seat.

"No problem. I was early anyway," he shrugged, pulling out of the driveway after I buckled in.

"So, where are we eating," I curiously wondered, admiring the sleek interior of his expensive car. I loved the black leather, and how the knobs and buttons lit up blue.

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