Chapter 10: Is It Too Soon

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I stayed with Leo in his dressing room as he adjusted his brown, leather jacket over his black shirt.

"Are you nervous," I asked, since he was going to be on the tonight show in half an hour.

"No," Leo simply answered, pulling my face down to his by the chin to kiss me. I was standing behind his chair at the vanity, us abruptly parting when Ed McMahon showed up. He was the guy who announced my dad, and also a friend of his.

"Just checking to see if you were ready. We're on in a few minutes," Ed explained.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Leo confirmed, standing from his chair as he flipped his hair out of his eye.

"Johnny will announce you when we're ready for the guests, and that'll be your cue to come onto the stage from behind the curtains."

"Alright. Thanks." He shot Ed a weak smile before we were alone again.

"You're going to do great. I bet all the girls in the audience will be screaming over you," I giggled, but honestly I was slightly jealous of the attention he got.

"Yeah, but you're the only girl I'll want to make scream later," he winked, causing my face to heat up. Even though we hadn't slept together, sometimes he would make harmless jokes about it.

"You better get behind the stage, so you'll be ready when they call you."

"Can you come with me," Leo requested, his beautiful blue orbs looking down at me.

"Of course." I kissed his cheek before allowing him to grab my hand, us strolling in the back hallways. I politely smiled at some of the staff members who recognized me, not in the mood to be sociable, since I felt nervous for Leo. We finally were hidden by the curtains, hearing my dad's monologue beyond them.

"I knew that wasn't going to get any laughs," my dad commented, the audience laughing some at his ability to play off an opening that failed. After a commercial break, him reading some fan letters, and then another series of advertisements, it was time for the guests. "Tonight we have a young man, who might not be too well known yet, but I'm sure he will be after the premiere of his new movie, Titanic. In it he plays the role of a guy named Jack who falls in love on the Titanic ship. I had the good fortune of meeting him recently, and he is really a great guy. I'm pleased to welcome, Leonardo DiCaprio."

The crowd instantly applauded as Leo stepped out, holding up his hand for a wave before settling in the cushioned chair beside Johnny's desk.

"It's good to have you," Johnny spoke up after the noise died down.

"It's good to be here," Leo reacted, sitting casually.

"We know you can't share too much, but could you tell us a little more about your upcoming movie? I know you were on the show Growing Pains when you were younger."

"Funny story, I accidentally revealed too much about the season I was on for that series. They kept it in the interview, but I messed up." He faintly laughed. "I've gotten much better at that now."

"Yeah, well, it can be hard when you already know everything about a film or series you're working on. When people ask you questions, you might accidentally slip up and say something you shouldn't."

"Exactly. But I think your introduction was basically what it's about." He rubbed his chin before he proceeded in speaking. "It was great working with Kate Winslet. We instantly got along well, and it was never a romance thing between us. We were like brother and sister, but she's the one that plays the role of Rose."

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