"I didn't want to tell you like this." :CHARLIE DALTON REQUEST:

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Author's Note: This is for the lovely @ohnosweetjesus  IM AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG! Here it is though. I hope you enjoy it <3

Anna sat with Neil, cigarettes in between their fingers, only a dim lamp lighting the room. They knew the bulb in the lamp was about to burst. When the bulbs burst, they'd make a loud clinking noise and the light would become REALLY bright, then fizzle to nothing. The two were hoping they'd be able to catch the bulbs burst in the nick of time... but it's explosion was moving terribly and tiredly slow.

It was early, just before everyone would begin to wake up. Neil, Anna, and Todd woke up super early every Friday to spend time together. Friday's were always very busy days because it was right before Saturday, everyone's day off. The entire school worked and worked and worked to have their stuff done before the weekend, just so they had nothing to do. The Dead Poets barely saw one another on Friday, only during a Poets meeting. Neil, Anna, and Todd hated that. So the three of them made a pact to see one another every morning for an hour, before everyone was awake and rushing and bustling. Right now, Todd was using the restroom.

Anna pushed her hair from one side of her hair to the other, collecting it all on one side. With an exasperated sigh, she put her cigarette to her lips, sucked in her cheeks around the coffin nail, then puffed her cheeks back out and let the smoke sink down and tickle her chest.
"If I weren't in love with my roommate and you weren't in love with Charlie... I'd be head over heels for you. You're so pretty." Neil said, removing his Welton jacket and removing the cuffs from his white shirt. He rolled up his sleeves to about his elbow, and then unbuttoned the buttons on his chest, about a third of the way down. It was early and he didn't feel like wearing his suit for an extra half hour. He had a white undershirt underneath so he was still decent. He wouldn't dare get undressed in front of Anna. That would just be rude to her.
"Oh shut up, Neil." She said, rolling her eyes and letting her cheeks flush bright red due to the compliment she just received. Her parents called her pretty. No real humans will honest opinions who didn't HAVE to say she was beautiful complimented her. That one three word phrase from her best friend made her all blushed and flushed and flattered.
"It's true! And you know it's true, you're blushing." He said, throwing a pillow over the lamp and into her face. She shrieked and fell back, the pillow knocking her down on Todd's bed.
"Speaking of the love of your life, have you told Todd yet?" Anna asked Neil, sitting up and adjusting her hair again since the pillow and mattress messed it up.
"Psh, have I told him yet. Anytime I say his name he looks at me like I'm an axe murderer. He's terrified of everything, I don't want to terrify him more." Neil confessed as his veins popped out in his neck. His feelings always made him worked up. Sometimes it was comical, other times it was saddening.
"You're actually insane." Anna told him. She couldn't believe what he just said. Neil was either stupid or oblivious. Anna had a feeling it was a mix of both.
"What?" He asked, almost offended.
"Todd looks at you like I've never seen anyone look at another human being before. He looks like you're an angel. A saint come to save his life. His eyes shine, his lips do a strange quivering smile like he's about to cry tears of joy because he is struck by your beauty, and his ears and nose wiggle. He does that when he's nervous excited. He told me one night when he couldn't sleep and he came to visit me because he knows I stay up late. He looks at you like every girl or boy or undecided dreams of being looked at. His cheeks flush, his hands fidget, his legs bounce. He shares the feelings you do. When you're ready, and you think the time is appropriate, tell him. Carpe diem." Anna told Neil, putting out her cigarette. Neil put his out as well. He had this beaming smile on his face and was biting his lip. Most of his bottom lip and turned ghoulishly pale because of how hard he was biting it.
"Really, Anna?" He asked, like he was nervous for her reply.
"Really, Neil." She said, with a soft smile.


The light burst. The two looked at each other and gasped. The wood by their door creaked. "That was awesome." Todd said, with a genuine smile on. The three all ran to the center of the room, jumping and cheering, pointing at the light. "Did you see that?" "That was amazing!" "Gosh, why can't the light bulbs do that more often?" The three exclaimed, whisper shouting, making sure no one else woke up because of their excitement.

&quot;Carpe Diem... that's seize the day.&quot; DEAD POETS SOCIETY PREFERENCES/IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now