Chapter 4: Jayson

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"Yo, man I gotta go. They're here." I say towards Zach through the phone. I set my homemade sandwichng down on my plate, as the knock on the door continues to get louder.

"Bro wait! What should I do with Carrie? I'm scared she's cheating, and she's my first real relationship. Help me, man." Zach says out loud, through the speaker phone.

"Look, I told you just to talk to her. Confront her about it. If she really loves you like she says then she would be truthful to you. And you have to trust her. I mean, think about it. Three years ya'll have been together. I don't think she would throw that all away." I say to him as I pick my phone up, and walk to the door.

"But,-" He begins as I turn the speaker phone off, and stop in front of the door. The aggravating knocks at the door became relentless. I clearly knew who was knocking.

"Dude, just talk to her. I gotta go. Talk to ya later, man." And I hang up, then open the door.

"Well, it took you long enough, you got a girl in there?" Stacy says deviously. My little sister never ceases to get me in trouble. Even as a junior in high school.

I glare at her, while my parents eyes bulge out of their heads. Their always quick to harken to anything she says about me.

"Yes Stacy. That's the reason why I called and told you guys to come visit at this time, to see me and some naked girl in my new apartment." I say to her sarcastically.

She laughs, while I look to my mom and dad's faces. "Mom, Dad. Welcome to my new apartment." I say to them while opening the door.

My mom starts to walk in first but begins looking around. "Is there really a girl in here?" She asks.

"No, Mom." Stacy and I say at the same time. I continue to glare at her while she smiles at me. Great, Stacy. Now Mom and Dad will think I'm going to start bringing girls in here, for the wrong reasons.

"Well, that's a good thing. We wouldn't want to see that. But this place is nice, though. Good job on apartment scouting." Dad says calmly.

"Uh, thanks Dad. There's two bedrooms and one bathroom. Enough for me and Zach." I say to all of them. "When is Zach coming?" Mom says finally comfortable enough to sit on the couch.

"Probably when summer is over. But he said he's going to send half of the rent to me each month, so he can still be contributing." I reply turning towards to the kitchen but stopped, horrified at what I was seeing.

"This place is really cool, it even comes with free food." Stacy says looking right at me, taking big bites out of my sandwich. Uhhhhh. I'm going to kill her.

I stride over to the counter and hit her hands, so she can drop my sandwich back in my plate. "Ouch, man. That's not fair, you left ham out in the open. It's not my fault it called to me." She says to me while she moves to the sink to wash her hands. I hear my mom chuckle from the couch.

"Really? And how many times have I told you not to touch my ham I leave out?" I say to her waiting for her response.

"Ok fine, you got me. I'm sorry. Truce?" She says sticking out her wet hand to me. "Sure, but first dry your hands." I tell her.


She turns to dry her hands at first, but then she spins back and sprinkles the water in my face, and begins bolting out of the kitchen, laughing.

"So that's how it's gonna be? Alright." I grab a hand full of water while she starts yelling and saying how she didn't have that much water in her hands.

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