Chapter 8: Elsey

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Light shines brightly into my eyes and everything is white and blurry, so I close them. I reopen my eyes again, realizing the pain in my side.

Slowly I groan in response to the extra bright light. Then it hits me.

Where am I?

As my eyes finally adjust, I start to stare at a white ceiling.

Only moving my eyes, I look left, then right, the forward.

How did I get here, I ask myself while moving my head, side to side.

The room I am in is pretty much empty with white walls. I only can make out a desk with a rollable chair to the right, and a nightstand to the left, while obviously I was on the bed, which was in the middle of them both.

I know this is stupid but I'm going to try to see if I can sit myself up, I say to myself. I begin to lift my body up, just to groan and go back down.

Never again. It hurts way more now then it already was when I woke up. Now with a throbbing wound I lay back thinking on what happened.

Finally, it all comes rushing back.

She stabbed me. It was only a matter of time before she was going to do something and I knew it. Her anger is out of control. Or should I say- never mind.

I guess the only positive thing about this is that she won't be able to hunt me down, as long as I'm still hurt.

But, did she even know the consequences of really hurting me were? She must have because she would always say something in the means of I can't kill or hurt you, even though she did in the end.

So, maybe she didn't.

Wait. How long have I been here? Where is here? I ask myself knowing I wouldn't get an answer until I'm out of this room.

But where would I be other than a hospital? I'm suddenly in a room instead? A room I now realize I recognize.

Then I hear the door knob shift, and the door creak open, and quickly I close my eyes. I feel eyes on me, then a deep-sounding sad sigh. "Wake up already." He whispers softly, then closing the door quietly as he came in.

I flutter my eyes open while I let my brain click puzzle pieces together.

Jayson saved me.

Jayson saved me and took me back to his place. No wonder everything looked familiar.

I can't believe he was there, during the whole fight. He looked so terrified and lost... Then it hit me again.

I remember him screaming, 'No! Don't do it!', towards her. Which must mean... it can't be... oh my gosh.

How did he see her make the dagger appear? To any regular person they would see us fighting like regular adult women would, and possibly see her pull out a dagger from somewhere in her pockets.

That's probably what he saw, while being restricted against the library wall. But wait.

I remember glancing at him for a second, and seeing him on the ground confused, even amazed when she began throwing fireballs at me.

That really has to mean he saw the whole thing, not shielded. Somehow we must have dropped them on accident. Very odd but it could be likely.

We fought so long and so hard it must have slipped our minds. But now he knows.

Oh God.

He knows.

I need to talk to him. But what do I say? I can't tell him anything. I'm already screwed for being careless, I mean here I am injured in someone else's bed.

No, no, no, no! This is bad, this is horrible. As much as I tried to stay on the down low, I'm flaunting myself everywhere.

Did anyone else see it?

Was he the only one?

My mind raced as my head began pounding, and I slowly I let myself slip back to sleeping.


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