Chapter 3: Chelsey

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"DAMN IT CHELSEY!" A huge BANG is heard right after, then something falls and crashes. "How many times will you fail to capture her and bring her to me?"

I roll my eyes. "As many times as she manages to slip away."

"I am sick and tired of you failing and now you don't even know where she is!" He takes a breath continuously until he calms down. "Look, tomorrow your mission is to find her. Ask around, find clues, I don't care. But you need to bring her. Its been three damn months and you haven't even gotten anything." He says fiercely.

"Fine. But what if I don't bring her? You gonna beat me, shock me with a electric chair. No wait, here's one. Make me sit in an ice cold tub filled with insects?" I say trying to provoke him some more.

"Shut up. Now, go to your room, and sleep. You have important things to do tomorrow." He says grabbing me by my arm, and pushing me towards the hallway where my room is.

"Don't touch me." I say sharply moving my arm away. I hear him snicker and say to me, " I own you, and I'll touch you whenever I want."

I continue walking to my room to show that I really didn't care if he owned me. But I knew that he did.

Damn him.

Always controlling me. I hate him. And his stupid smile, his ugly suites, which he says are fashionable, and his colorless, wretched, depressing house, that could give a home decorator a panic attack as soon as they walk in.

His rude attitude makes me want to stick my hand into his chest, rip out his heart, and then squeeze the blood from his heart into his mouth to drink as he dies.

I would be the happiest person alive if I could. I laugh within myself creepily. I could never be happy.

When I reach my door, the two body guards in front of it, step aside to let me in.

I glare at them, then walk in fast enough and slam the door shut behind me to startle them.

I've never seen such ugly body guards in my life. Why does he even have them, he's not even important. Just a man with gadgets and money.

I don't even think he knows who he's talking to, having the audacity to push me around, and say 'I'll touch you whenever I want to touch you', like I'm some kind of play toy. That's freakin' creepy.

He pisses me off. Maybe should kill him, so I wouldn't have to put up with his annoying attitude. Or I could torture him until he respects me as me, and not some object he could use. Maybe I should just-

I blink several times forgetting what I just thought about. What was I thinking about? I try to revert back to what I was thinking about, but I get nothing.

Then I look around the room, and ask to no one, "What am I doing here?"

Then everything becomes clear. Mission: Find Elsey, capture her, and bring her to him.


"Can you believe it? Marie is pregnant for Justin? Girl. I thought she hated him." Some group of girls and guys walk past me, but they don't see me. "Bro! If Justin's dad found out. He's a dead man." One of the guys say.

"Dumb idiots." I say to them, then walk off letting them look around in total confusion asking each other who said that and if they heard that.

I walk up to Elsey's old dorm room door, and stick my head through it, to see some girl on the other side lying on the bed, laughing hideously into her phone. No Elsey.

I groan angrily on the inside while pulling my head out from the door and head down to the hallway towards the exit.

I make way out of the school building and begin walking and thinking to myself. Where would she go? If she's not in school, and she moved out of her apartment, where would she be?

I sigh. This girl is giving me a headache. A headache. Drinking. Parties. Valerie's. Her friends house. I snicker to myself, where else could she go?

I teleport myself to where I remember where her house was. That ugly pink and white two-story house, with window shutters, like their they're in some fairy tale movie. Yup, this is the one.

I remember the party she threw here. No one could see me but Elsey, just the way I wanted it to be. I had fun destroying their house on the inside. It wasn't no better in there then out here.

I walk to the front door, and recall the front doormat saying, 'Welcome to the Funhouse!' Yup, this is definitely her dumb house. I walk through the door quietly, making sure no one hears me or sees me.

I look around seeing the house is still in renovation since from two months ago. You would think with the money they have, they would be done fixing the place by now or do some redecorating with different designs, but they did neither.

I start walking around the house, into the different bedrooms, bathrooms, the kitchen, etc, trying to find any clues. Meanwhile, I avoided the pregnant mother, and her constant yelling for Lays chips, her husband running back and forward to get them and their annoying but extraordinary dog, that kept sniffing me out at times.

In the end I wasted my time coming. I began heading to the door. But on my way there I pick up the conversation the pregnant woman on the couch begins with her husband. "Did you hear them last night? Valerie disobeyed us."

"Oh, you heard them too? I can't believe she invited her friend into the house after we specifically told her she's not allowed to have any friends over for three months." Her husband says.

So she was here. I smile.

"What should we do, now? She's not listening to us anymore." She says whining a little. "Even if she is a twenty-one years old, in college, she's in our house, under our rules. What can we do with her?"

"I don't know baby, I don't know." The husband replies.

I walk out feeling accomplished. So that's why in one bedroom I saw luggage on the floor. I laugh to myself.

Funny how they still blame their daughter on their house being destroyed 'cause of the party' she threw, when Elsey knew good and well who it actually was. What a good friend.

I appear in front of the school, again and start for the main building. Then I stop. Elsey is walking out the building, talking to some people while heading to her car.

Hmm. Maybe I should of listened to myself and checked the classrooms.


A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I feel alittle iffy about it but it's okay. Vote, comment, and share to whom you desire. Thanks again!

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