Chapter 7: Chelsey

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I plop myself into my bed, groaning and panting, fighting with my hands not to touch the wound.

I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew. But I wanted to so bad, like a burning desire took over me and before I knew it my hands had a mind of its own, and it went for the kill.

I knew I'm not supposed to harm her in any way. I was simply sent to catch her and bring her down here. But I never knew that I would feel myself get stabbed while I was stabbing her.

As soon as that dagger went in her, I felt it in me. And it hurt like hell, and I wanted to scream.

I had to pull it out, but I only made the wound worse, since I made the worst dagger of all.

But why? How? We've hurt each other plenty of times for months now, and I've never felt any of her bruises I gave her, before.

I start feeling my eyes getting heavy, while my vision becomes consumed in more darkness. I need. I-I need. A. Doctor.


I wake up to a sound, some noise. It begins sounding like whispering, while I continue to awaken. Finally I hear a keyboard being clicked on. Someone was typing in something on a computer? But I don't have one.

I try to move my head up, suddenly annoyed by the clicking, but groan at the pain from the stab and lay back down.

"What the hell, R-"

"Don't you dare say a word." He sharply says cutting me off. He turns, gets up from his chair, and strides towards me.

"What crawled up your pants and bit you while you peed?" I say sarcastically.

"Don't try make me madder than I already am. What the hell is wrong with you?" He stops at the left side of my bed, looking at me with fiery in his eyes.

"What, are you talking about?" I say groggily.

"Why in the-" He takes a breath. "What were you thinking, stabbing Elsey, when your instructions are to not hurt her, but restrain her and bring her here?" He says getting louder with each word.

"Did you know it was going to hurt me too?" I ask plainly.

"Answer my question!" He yells to me.

"I was thinking it was going to be fun to hurt her since she was getting on my nerves." I reply back. "Did you know it was going to hurt me too?" I ask again emphasizing each word.

"Yes, I actually did." He says plainly.

His reply made me extra angry for some reason. "Why then, didn't you tell me? It would have been a hell of a lot easier to know." I spit out.

"I thought it would be better to learn if my catcher was a listener." He replies.

I roll my eyes in annoyance."Maybe if you could listen more, you wouldn't have to feel the pain you can avoid. Don't you think so?" He asks patting my head.

"Damn you." I say back angrily.

"Hey, don't get mad at me, I should be the one who's angry. Look at you." He says coldly.

"What?" I say beginning to feel woozy again.

He lifts up my shirt enough to show the stab wound, examining it as if he's about to do an analysis.

"It looks like the doctors did a good job at cleaning and closing the wound, for Elsey. Which would take about three to four weeks of healing. And then almost a whole month in getting back together physically, which." He sighs slowly, acting as if he's a doctor of some sort. "Will, slow my timing in getting Elsey as I had planned for it to be this month. Congratulations, you've just screwed up your only job for a whole month, maybe more. Just. Because. She was, getting on your nerves." He states.

Fiery crawls into my eyes, while words fill my mind, and travels to my mouth. But I hold it in, and let them float out so he can read by himself.

He merely chuckles. "Seems like your buttons were pushed to hard." He says chuckling some more.

I lift myself up to scare him off but it backfires and the stab wound inflames all around to the side of my body, which I scream out in pain from.

"Don't strain yourself to hurt me, you know you can't do that anyways." He says walking back to his laptop he set up on my desk.

I lie there trying to calm down, then I ask him gritting my teeth so I wouldn't curse him out, " How long have I been out?"

"Two weeks. Surprisingly you woke up before next week, with a deep wound like that. But it seems like you still need to sleep. Your weak, and you need to gain all the strength you can before Elsey does, so you can catch her during her healing time. Yes, that's perfect!" He says suddenly, and begins typing away.

I lie there feeling myself drift off more and more. But I don't fight it. Anything that will make me not see him will be accepting to me at this point. What does he mean I can't hurt him? I can clearly appear in front of him and slash his face right then and there. Can't I? But my mind doesn't move onward with the idea, slowly it gets pushed back like something is restraining it.

What is this? I don't understand what's going on? My mind feels as if it in a war within itself. But I feel myself being pulled into a darkness, while hearing sleep whisper in my ears, before I could comprehend my thoughts.


A/N: So this is probably where I'm going to stop doing authors notes for now, until it's necessary. But thanks for reading, and I know this is a short chapter but hey, I had to do what I had to do. Anyways, comment, vote, and share. Bye!

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