Chapter 1: Elsey

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:Three Months Later:

She's catching up too easily, I don't know if I can lose her.

She's gaining speed, fast. I need to think quick. What should I do? I could send a blazing path of ice towards her, nonetheless she would turn it to water, or turn it against me, but it could still slow her down. Think, I need to think!

It's too late. She has me cornered against a wall in some alleyway. I start to panick, looking for a way out of her trap. Why did I let this get out of hand? I shouldn't have been so careless. Then she starts throwing punches left and right, faster then I can halt.

I try to catch some but most of them I miss. The air out of my lungs gets sucked out, I get a bruise on both of my cheeks, my shoulder starts to throb, and my chin hurts so much, if I move it a sharp pulse of pain goes through it. Finally, I slump to the ground.

Then she rises one of her arms, with her palms facing towards me and I feel my whole body begin to pull itself towards the wall more. "Just come with me, chasing you is already tiring as it is. Your making this harder than it should be." She says annoyingly.

"Let go of- mee!" I struggle to say, and then I suddenly appear behind her, ready to take off again, until I hear a screeching sound in my head. "Ahh! Stop it!" I yell clutching my head.

"Your so weak hearted that you can't even fight me head on. Always disappearing. Stop it." she says looking at me darkly, with my same eyes. Then a force lifts me, and throws me back into the wall, knocking the air out of me for a second. Then the screeching stops.

"You know I can't kill you, but I would like too if you continue this struggle. Just come with me, now."

She walks towards me, and picks me up by my shirt. "Lets go. It's too dark out here." she says while starting to drag me across the ground.

I've become tired from her rains of blows and slams. But, if she thinks I'm going with her to him, oh, she is surely mistaken.

"Hey, you should watch your step." I croak towards her. And before she even turns to reply, a flock of birds fly up in her face.

She leans back, surprised by what I just created. Then she takes one step forward, and falls through my hole.

I get myself up from the ground when she let me go, and begin to rain down dirt into the ditch.

"Don't you DA-..."

But it's too late. I cover her in dirt and fill up the ditch as fast as I can, then I smile to myself when I'm done.

Wierd how I find humor in that.

Get out of here! My conscious screams at me. I've really got to go. I begin running out of the alley, making my way towards the street on the other side. I look both ways, and ponder if I should take the right street or the left.

Man this sucks, I don't know where I am. We've must have been going at it for so long, without even realizing were we are going. I pull out my phone from my pocket and look at directions to get back home. "Ok, it's left then." I say and start running in that direction pushing past the pain in my right shoulder.

The hot, warm summer air breezes past me, and brushes against my beaten up, battered skin. I stop at a red light and look at my phone again.

I cross the street and turn right this time. As I run I notice there's no one really out in the streets tonight. Weird.

I start contemplating on teleporting again, when the air started to feel, odd.

I shouldn't stop running, I shouldn't. But my feet didn't listen to me. I slow down, catch my breath for a moment, then turned around.

No one was there. Nothing was.

Ok, go. GO! I'm not staying to see what's going to happen next. My legs pick up speed as I begin sprinting towards the next light which, was twenty feet away.

The air suddenly became, hotter, and hotter. I even started coughing under the heat.

That's when I heard a kindling. I then looked up slowly, frightened at what I feared was true.

A huge ball of flames falls from the sky, in front if me, while I stop running and move back. The ball touches the ground, a few feet away from me, and immediately starts forming a circle around me.

I was on the verge of jumping over it when the fire rose higher, towering over my head. I turn around and saw how the wall of fire, instead of enclosing me in, had arched and made a straight open path where she was standing at the end of it.

"You little sly BIT-" and before I heard the rest, balls of fire after fire, comes shooting at me, which covers up her words.

I hurry and make my hand extremely cold, and resistant to heat, and start to cut through each one fast enough, continuing to hear her rant on and on at me, cursing in between each word.

She is seriously pissed. And she's always just pissed.

When she finally noticed how I was blocking her attacks, she appears in front of me, and gives me an uppercut punch, towards my jaw. I move out the way in time but, was too slow, so she body slams me into the ground, forms a gun in one if her hands, and begins to pull the trigger aiming at my cheek, while sitting on top of me.

I dodged it miraculously, and swing my arms out to clip the gun out of her hand. I create a hammer to appear next to her and swing it, but she weaves out of the way, and takes from my graps and tries to use it against me.

The fight continues in an all out rage against fear. And I was engulfed in it. This was my first time seeing her so mad and crazy at the same time. Item after item, she would throw at me, and I would have to dodge, or block each time without missing a single one.

I need to get out of here. I need to think, fast. I need a distraction...

"Hey look out," I say first without thinking, "Flying teddy bears!" I piont towards my right. "Shut the hell u-", but before she finished, three big, brown, and alive teddy bears flew out towards her slamming her to the ground, grabbing her, then pinning her down.

"Really, TEDDY BEARS?!? Your so soft it kills my freaking insides! What next you going to let them bite me?" She yells angrily while trying to struggle out of their grasps.

I hold in a giggle from her comment, and grunt. "My wish is your command. Anything for you to leave me alone that would be great."

And just like that she starts to curse and yell to me some more, while I begin to escape.

"There's NO point in running to what you think may be your safe haven. I already... AHH! Know. Where. You live. GET THEM OFF!!" She yells coldly.



A/N: Hey everyone again. Thanks for continue reading my book, updates are going to still be in my page. Tell me what you think, about Elsey and the "she" she is fighting with. Just comment, vote, and share. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if you think it's short. :D

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