Chapter 6: Jayson

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The book closes with full force. The librarian looks up at me, startled by the loud noise I accidentally created. "Sorry, I didn't mean to slam it." I say towards her.

"It's ok." She says back.

I gather the rest of my papers and things, and stuff them in my backpack.

There's no way I could fail this test, now. I feel so prepared, I would have to get an A.

Thinking about the possibilities in getting A's in all of my classes, I begin walking out towards the door, holding a few books in my hands, while the librarian turns towards me and says, "Good night. Hope you studied well."

"I did, and thank you. Good night to you too." I say back to her.

I start walking out to my car which I parked in the middle of the parking lot, since the parking lots next to the building were taken up. It's still very surprising to see how many people come here to study late also.

I walk across the street, watching a car drive away in the distance, when someone slams into me, hard. The force knocks down the four books I had in my hands, onto me and the floor.

"Ow! Can you watch where you're going, please?" I say towards the person, who hit me. The person was already was bending down to pick up my books for me, so I bent down to help them.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you I wasn't looking, I'm sorry, here." The girl says to me really quickly, picking my books and stacking them as fast as she could.

"Hey, it's fine just slow down, I'll get them." I say to her.

"Ok, I'll just be going then." She says getting up quickly, too.

I look up at her and realize why I've heard this voice before.

It was Elsey.

Or maybe it's her scary twin? I still can't get over the way she looked at me, like she was looking in me. It was too creepy.

"Elsey? Hey, I mean, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was just um, wandering around. I didn't realized I was at the downtown library. Huh. But I have to go. I'll see you around, kay?" She says awkwardly moving around me, walking fast.

Something wasn't right. She seemed too anxious to go. So I cut in front of her, leaving my books on the ground.

"Are you ok?" I ask carefully.

"Yup, I'm fine nothing more nothing less, bye."

"Hey, what's up?" I cut her off again.

"I'm just really in a hurry, ok? I need to go." She says moving around me again walking off.

I couldn't hold it in any longer, so began to ask her.

"Did you come back to my apartment the day you left?" I say curiously. I wanted to be sure it wasn't her that day.

She stops suddenly, turns and gives me worried look. "N-no. Why?" She says to me.

"Oh nothing, I was uh, just wondering." I say casually.

"What did she ask you?"


"Don't play games. Tell me what she asked you?" She demands worriedly.

I thought about it, for a little bit but decided to tell her. I mean it wasn't going to hurt anyone.

"Well," I say in between breaths. "She just wanted to know if you were there or not."

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