Chapter 5: Elsey

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I need to start thinking much more than harder, now.

I thought so hard before, and so much, I thought my mind was oozing out my other thoughts.

I even calculated from my head to a piece of paper somehow, which is the only reason why I called her in the first place.

Maybe it was a stupid idea. I mean look what happened to her house. That happened because I decided not to care and go to her party when I knew I shouldn't have.

It was only a matter of time before she found me again, or so I thought. But, nope. She found me the next freakin' day! I thought since it has been hours later she wouldn't have found me, but she did somehow .

The thing I want to know is how did she find where my school was? It's like I have some GPS system in me that helps her tract me down. I know I transferred schools after finding out how crazy he was in the end. So maybe he must have gotten that information. That has to be the only way she found me here.

I saw her as soon as I came out of the building with a few of my friends. I acted like I didn't see her at all so I wouldn't draw attention to myself and her. I knew she saw me when I ran to my car.

I opened the door, got in fast as I could then bolted out of there. No looking back.

I admit, I do run a lot. But I can't fight her. She is more powerful than me with her excessive anger.

When I started driving on the street towards really no where, I called up Valerie to tell her how I won't be able to stay the night, that I found somewhere else to crash, which was a complete lie. I really do hate lying but what other choice do I have? I don't want her to get hurt because of me, again.

As soon as I hung up, I was caught up in a red light. So I slowed, and stopped like everyone else. Then something pricked me in my arm.

Some small, thin, ice particle was in my arm. I took it out then lifted my head to my window, to see more of those floating outside of it, waiting.

I was turning to my right window, but was ambushed by the icicles, each one picking me harder than the others. After the attack I looked up towards the right side to see her in her own car next to me, smiling at me wickedly. She was in some nice, expensive looking, Mustang. I don't really know much about cars, but I did know this car couldn't be bought without money in the bank.

I looked around in horror, of how the windows were smashed, and broken all over me and on the passenger chair. Then that's when I realized, no one was even paying attention to us. Not even giving a quick glance. She wisely chose to shield them. She really wanted a fight.

The light turned green, and my windows were back in place and cleaned off of me and my seat. 'Since she wants to play, lets play.' I thought.

I drove off also putting my shield up, so no one could see what I was about to do. I turned my head to see how she was literally next to me, matching my speed.

So I sent eggs cracking and splashing on all of her windows, just for fun. My distraction only had a moment before she would react, so in my moment I created a hand made of air, picked up her car, and chunked it. Hard. Towards the right.

I turned my car towards the opposite direction, and drove out as fast as I could. The only thing people would see is her car suddenly not there, and even if it did crash. Well I know it didn't.

I kept driving straight, then my tires popped. All of them, and I began spinning out of control. I was about to jump out, but something like a hand, pulled me out and slammed me onto the grass. It started dragging me somewhere, while I made my car disappear from the road.

Everything became dark as my face, and body was covered in a wrapping, while I ripped my way threw it and got out. I turned to see a dummy version of me was being dragged across the street, instead.

Then I ran into an open spot in the middle of the street, and squatted down while my car formed all round me. I took the lever, pulled it down and started driving again.

I was racing down the street not even knowing where I was or where I was going, when I was hit by a car.

With no driver inside.

It smashed into the other side of the car but it sent me crashing into my side door, while my car went flipping out of control.

In a moment both cars were gone and I was left face first on the ground, holding on to my bleeding shoulder.

I tried to get up but it hurt too much, then someone pulled my hair backwards, making me yelp, and look up. Her face was right next to mine but upside down. She kept holding on to my hair while she snickered at me and said, "You think you can chunk me like that without me paying you back?"

Finally she let go of my hair, while some people looked at us, confused on why I'm on the ground, with some girl who looks like me, who is standing over me, glaring back at them.

She picked me up by my shoulders and got me to my feet, not caring about the gash, she gave me was there. She still was holding me when she turned around and lead me to some car she had already waiting for us at the corner.

"I'm glad you threw me like that, it really gave me reason to hurt you. Thanks for that." She said plainly and angrily to me.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault. You started this fight." I told her. "Look angry-"

"My name is Chelsey. I told you that."

"That's not your name."

"It is now, so shut up and get in." She says pushing me in side, closing the door. The seat belts moved themselves and strapped me in, tight. I couldn't move an inch with it tightening some more around me.

As she started driving, I laid back in the seat and became calm, and peaceful. If I did this I needed to be relaxed.

Slowly as I breathe in and out, calmly, I remember the clothes store I saw when I was laying on ground.

I began moving back, being pulled and sucked into the seat. I took a deep breath in and held it, not paying attention to her screams as I landed in a dark abyss. Then I let out a breath. I made it into the clothes store, with the worst teleportation ever. I'll don't want to do that again.

I came out the store, and saw the car she had at the corner was still gone, so I ran the other direction.

I ran, feeling my hairs on the back of my head beginning to rise up, and I threw myself to the left while a flash of electricity passed by.

I looked back and saw her, creating electricity, pissed as ever.

Bolt after bolt flew at me while I dodged them and threw icicles after icicles at her instead.

Then she called out to me and said, "You are weakest, person known to our people. You should be ashamed for making us look like we cannot do anything, when we are powerful, and strong. Things you don't posses. Every damn time, instead of facing me, you run. You weak b- "

She never finished because I stopped her, hurt, by what she said. So before she even finished I was already turned and facing her. Which is when I made a car come and hit her head on.

I watched as she was knock down to the floor with blood seeping out of her head. She was rolling around in the street, when finally she stopped since someone came out of there car to help her. She was out cold.

I turned around and walked out their calmly, not knowing where to go. So I stopped here at this food shop, miles from where she was hit. Which is where I've been thinking about the whole scenario over again.

But I need to go, now. It's dark out and I really have to find somewhere to sleep.

I step out the shop thinking about going back to Valerie's, when I feel myself being picked up, then I slam against the wall.

Dang it, she's back. And hella pissed.


A/N: Hello people! I finished this chapter early this time, cause I felt bad for the last chapter that took me so long to post, even when it may seem to be unimportant. So with that, vote, comment, and share. Thanks for reading!

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