Chapter 2: Jayson

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I pulled up into the parking lot, finally ready to start unpacking into my new apartment and end this tiring conversation with my mom on the phone. I turn the engine off, and open my door to the new enviroment. I sniff in the air, then smile, "This place is nice, I like it here already." I say towards my phone. Then I head for the stairs to my apartment.

"Yea Mom, I'm here already. No, you don't need to come. I got this covered. I can carry the boxes by myself. Don't worry I'll be fine. Mom, mom... please don't cry." I roll my eyes as she goes in her 'my boy is all grown up' speech.

As soon as I reach up to my floor, I see my door is already opened. Okay? What's going on here? "Mom? Hey Mom, look I have to go. Some person is in my apartment. No! Mom, stay home. Ok? Bye, Mom. Love you."

I hang up and sigh. I look towards the door again, and notice a guy and a girl laughing and placing boxes on top of one other.

Perplexed about the girl and guy, I walk into the doorway and knock on it to get there attention. They both turn and look at me surpisingly.

"Oh, hi!" The girl said towards me in a chirpy tone. Her smile shows off her plumpy cheek bones, while the dark circles under her eyes countervailed her carmel colored skin.

"Your probably the person moving in here." She asks calmly pointing around the apartment.

"Ya, I am." I replied. "What's going on here?" I ask.

"I'm so so, so, so sorry," The girl suddenly begins. "I was really planning on moving out earlier, and I told the manager and everything, honestly. But I was slightly too busy to pack up, so I did that last night and decided to leave today. I'm sorry, I hope that's not a problem." She said with a pleading look.

"Naw, um I mean it's cool. Do ya'll uh, need some help though?" I asked wanting to be nice.

"Ya, there's still some boxes left in the bedroom. Thanks man." The guy responded.

So I went inside the apartment, smiling kindly to the both of them, and headed to the bedroom to pick up some of her left over boxes. I heard their footsteps behind me as I picked up the last box I could carry, while they got the remaining ones.

"Oh hey, I'm Elsey by the way. Elsey Swai. This is my friend and your new next door neighbor Adam Davis." Elsey says holding out her hand smiling. I shook it seconds later, then I shook Adam's right after. "Thank you so much for helping me, don't know what I do without both of ya'lls help." She says still smiling.

"Your welcome." I say walking out of the room and hearing Adam say towards Elsey, "Hey, anything for you girl." And chuckling right after.

All of us walk down the steps carefully, stride to her car, and place the all the boxes we had in the trunk. Adam closes it, then sighs. "Well," Elsey says sighing, "I think that's it."

"I'm going to check one more time, just to be sure. You are forgetful, sometimes." Adam says to Elsey grinning then starts running up back to the the apartment. She looks back from him to me, and I notice her starting to really studying me. Then an awkward silence falls on us, as we start to look at each other. To break the silence I first clear my throat.

"It must be hard leaving. You two seem pretty close." I say secondly, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Ya, it kind of is. I've been here for more than two years now. It's sad I have to go, but I need too."

"Why are you leaving then? If it's ok to ask. I mean not that I'm implying for you to stay, I still want the apartment." I say hitting myself mentally. Way to continue a conversation Jayson.

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