Chapter 10: Chesley

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"Get. Up."

What? I feel something peck at my cheeks, but I don't pay attention and try to dose off again.

"Get up!"

Whose that? SPLASH!

Water drenches me and my bed, as I open my eyes to see him holding a tall cup, his eyes filled with annoyance.

"You know if I could get up, I would stab you, too." I say bitterly.

"That's grand isn't it? Too bad you can't, now get up." He says mockingly.

I stare at him for a few seconds in deep annoyance, waiting for his mind to work properly. "Did you not just hear me say if I could get up? Or your just too old to remember? Or the fact that I'm injured and I can't even stand?" I say bluntly.

"I know your hurt. That's why I want you to get up. Consider this your punishment for disobeying with my instructions, and messing up with my plans."

I stare at him with shock and fiery. "WHAT!?" I scream. "I don't recall you becoming my father."

"Your going to get up, and look for where Elsey might be coping at. But since your injured you don't have to capture her yet. Instead I want you to just mark in your head where she is, and tell me." He continues completely ignoring my outburst. "Besides you need to start getting up and getting used to your wound. You can't lay in bed for ever. It's a stab wound, you should be able to stand by at least three weeks."

My heart cannot comprehend how much my mind is overloaded with hate towards him, but I try to hold myself down and say, "If you can think, you might be able to remember what type of dagger I used. So actually I wouldn't have to stand until a little longer then three weeks. Now, get the hell out." I spit forcefully at him.

He sighs. Looks at me then snaps his fingers towards the opened door, and the two body guards at his door walk in casually towards my bed.

"Touch me, and I SWEAR-"

Each one grabs my arms and lifts me up, to where my feet hover above the ground. I thrash and try to jerk my arms out of their holds but there's no use. My mind destroys the thought within my mind to use some power against them, so I'm left helpless, in their arms dangling above ground.

I'm sure they'll drop me to the floor, when he tells them too, but instead he waves his hand and they set me down gently. As soon as my heels touch the ground a beautiful sharp pain rips through my side and I cry out in agony, and fall to the floor.

I hold my side angry and scared thinking I've just reopened my wound. Gritting my teeth to hold back tears, I turn to him giving my most evil of glares.

But it doesn't work. For some reason it never works, as much as I try to shake him he shakes me off. Not a shiver runs down him as he coldly looks at me and says, "Again."

My eyes widen.

"You need to learn, how to get up and deal with it." He says walking calmly out the room.

A stream a cuss words leave my mouth, and tears gather in my eyes, as the guards reach out to pick me up again.


I lean against a crutch in my right hand, leaning up against the wall, as I breathe in and out trying to suck up the pain in my side.

The repeated efforts trying to make me stand worked only for a minute and a half before my legs gave out and I quit. Finally I was given one crutch and no support but, 'use your powers to make yourself float or something', before I was sent back to my room to change and leave.

Shaking in my legs, I shift myself towards my dresser, using gravity, reversed, to help me slowly float then land on the ground softly. I move towards my dresser and use force to pull the first and the second drawer open, revealing my pants and shirts. I sigh angerily at the thought of me being out of bed, and lift one shirt up to look at it. Ah what the heck, I'm wearing whatever. No ones going to see me, I might as well just go naked.

I carefully lift my shirt up, wincing from stretching to hard on my left side, and put on the other shirt I got from the drawer. I look down, at my pajama pants, then towards the closed door and wait. The only thing I hear is computers being clicked at by the fake people I created for him to be his henchmen, while he yells at one of them. He always said he worked alone, and if his creation worked he wouldn't want to share his profit anyone, but himself. Which I thought he was seriously messed up in the head and crazy when he told me that, but this? This is WHAT THE HELL? Crazy. No sympathy for the one who does all the dirty work in bringing Elsey?

I really thought this could be a joke he's decided to play on me. Who am I kidding, this man never jokes about anything. And I wouldn't be surprised if he only came in to check on me- not on my well being- to make sure I was ready to go. It's people like him I utterly disgust.

I loathe each day, because I have to work for his crazy, rude, cold hearted man, that has no feelings towards the people who help him. And by people I mean me, because I'm the only real person in this place. Even his bodyguards are a creation from me.

People like him are who I hate. The reason why I despise the normal create. People who are not my people.

But so then why do I do it? Why can't I not leave him without returning? He's not a person I should be working for, but here I am being the delivery girl I am, for a girl who looks like me. And I don't have memory of who she could be, what he might be, or what I am. All I know, think, and do is to capture Elsey.

Run. Run away.


Go back to her while you still can.


Destroy the-

It's gone. The voice in my head disperses while my mind clears, then forms back what I need to do. Wait hasn't this happen before?

Locate Elsey. Find her location, then report back.

Woah. My mind felt like it was in a war, but it finally calmed down. Just locate Elsey, and come home so you can rest. Just that simple.

I continue to stare at myself in the mirror and my brown face, but I look paler than I should. I few scars stretch across my face, and I notice a deep scar inside the right side of my forehead. Maybe three inches long, and faded dark blue.

I look closer and unsurely see- it's not clear enough- a circle outline. Dang, what type of scar is that? You can't even see it enless your close enough in my face. Maybe Elsey did this to me.

My mind burns in fiery towards the thought. She's a dead one if she caused this. I thought.

I turn away from the mirror and crutch myself out the door slowly and steadily.

I notice the fake workers glance at me as I pass by them, out towards the door, then he looks up at me with control-ive eyes, nodding off at me as I go by.

Don't do it. My mind rips the idea out of my head and I continue towards the door and reach for the handle.

"Bye, Ross." I say forefully as I close the door behind me without my hands.


Hey, everybody! Wassup?? OK anyways I hoped you like and notice the struggle in Chelsey, which can help you understand what's to come later. Vote, comment, and share. Thanks for reading. Later!

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