Chapter 11: Elsey

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I smile and let out a small giggle from Stacy's comment.

Jayson holding his hand in his face, shakes his head back and forth, looking slightly annoyed. "Really, Stacy? Why do like to embarrass me?"

"Uh, because it's my job. Duh." She replies back fiercely.

"Wait, wait, wait." I say interupting. "Your parents think you invite girls to your apartment for, 'bed passion'?" I say requotting the word Stacy used earlier.

Jayson sighs and replies, "Yes. Which is the reason why I told Stacy not to tell them that your here. They assume so much it's not even funny."

"To me it is! Everytime I'm like, 'Mom or Dad, I'm going to visit Jayson,' they give me this look like, 'Oh no! What if she somehow walks in on Jayson taking off some girl's clothes and such.'" She says and laughs, while I chuckle along with her.

"I'm not lying at all when I say this, but Mom called me before I left one day and when I walked in, she was reading a book while, and I saw a camera laying right next to her. I straight up said, 'No Mom, your sick'. And left." She says bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

I break into a laugh with her but control myself before I jerk and hurt my left side. I never laughed so hard like this in a while and it feels good to. Jayson's little sister, Stacy, is  naturally hilarious, but so mean to him, it's sad but funny. While Jayson is a quiet, nice, and helpful guy, who knows his responsibilities. And kind of cute. Which I've noticed, but it's nothing to me. The only thing showing they're siblings is how Stacy looks actually almost like him, with their natural tan skin color, nude colored lips and hazel eyes. But her hair is more of a darker brown while his is lighter.

Jayson begins to smile himself not able to contain his annoyance. He looks up at me with a pity party look in his eyes, and I chuckle one more time and mouth, "I'm so sorry", to him.

He smiles but shrugs his shoulders, showing me he's implying, 'Whatever. That's my life', to his gesture.

Learning about Jayson's parents suddenly brought up the yearning in me for mine, but sadly I pushed it down. Even though his parents are slightly strict, and careful, just like my parents were, I didn't need to become mournful right here. It was still quite a touchy subject for me.

Maybe because you shut it in and have never spoken about it to anyone.

Ok, maybe I was right.

No. I can't let anyone in. I'm not ready for more emotional rip downs for me. Even being with Jayson isn't safe. I know he's been trying to get me to talk about what he saw, but I just can't. Sadness washes over. Man, I hate feeling, and being like this.

"Elsey." Stacy voice tears through my thoughts. I look up at her to see she's calm down, and Jayson's in the kitchen- which I already know what he's trying to do- obviously looking for food. Seriously I didn't think it was a problem he had when he first told me, cause I thought he was playing. And how ever was I so wrong.

"I feel kind of bad just talking about me and Jayson alone. Seems selfish of me, so I was wondering how are your parents like?" Stacy says cheerfully. She looks at me hopeful for an answer, and in the corner of my eye I notice Jayson has perked up I little bit to hear me.

Maybe I should just tell them. There's no harm here. Right?

"Well, my mom she's more of a 'up for anything' type of woman. She always challenged us to do things," Which shall be not named, "and take chances which I thought was cool about her and wierd how she somehow married my dad."

"What? Is he the type to worry to much about every little thing you did?" She asks.

"Yes!" I reply agreeing with her. "The simpliest things like, buying something that was twenty bucks, and he goes crazy saying he could have found the same thing, a.k.a. a 'rip off brand', that was less than what I just spent. Totally and completely annoying at times. But I was glad that he was there at some points because like I said, my mom was crazy."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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