One - Panic attack

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Warning: none

The second Thomas walked into the party, he remembered why he hated them. He hated crowded places in general, because then he felt suffocated. He looked at his best friend, Teresa, silently asking for a reminder as to why the hell they were here.

"Oh, come on, Tom. It'll be fun! We need to let some steam off", she said while grabbing Thomas by the sleeve and pulling him further into the crowd. Everyone was puching against him and he was trying his hardest not to push them right back.

"I don't see what's wrong with watching a movie or playing a game or two", he mumbled while watching everyone who came a little too close with a sharp eye, daring them to touch him with even one finger. Of course they didn't notice -they were too drunk- but still. They've been warned.

"Oh, look who we have over there!", Teresa suddenly yelled and let go of Thomas.

"Hey, wait no! Don't leave me here alone! Teresa!", he yelled after her but she didn't hear it. He sighed, knowing he won't be seeing her for quite a while.

He was always jealous about the way Teresa easily made some friends or just simply start a conversation with a stranger. Thomas and his social anxiety could never.

He made his way through the crowd, searching for a place where it was less crowded. That happened to be the kitchen. There were a few people, some were filling their drinks and a couple -or not, who knows- were making out in the corner but Thomas didn't mind. Anything was better than out there. He rested his hands on the counter and let his head hang, in attempt to recollect himself. He's only been here for about ten minutes but he already felt like he needed to get out of here.

"Hey, you good?" A voice suddenly spoke up next to him. He wanted to answer but the next second, he already forgot what the person asked. His head was spinning and his vision got blurry. He felt his hands starting to shake and then he knew what was happening.

Oh no. Oh no, please. Not now! Teresa, where are you?

He was starting to have a panic attack. The only person who knew how to help him get through it, was Teresa but where the hell is she?

He remembered she had gone off to meet some of her friends but where was that? He wanted to straighten up and go look for her but when he put his head up, the dizzyness got worse. He immediatly grabbed the counter again.

He heard a faint voice next to him but he didn't understand a word. Neither did he know whether that voice was talking to him or not. When his breathing quickened, he knew what time it was; he needed to get out, he needed some fresh air.

"Air. I need air", he said to no one in particular. He started walking to the front door, only to realise that he didn't know where they had come in from.

Teresa, please. Where are you? I need you. I need air. I need to get out of here. Teresa, please.

Suddenly he felt two arms holding him firmly up. He sighed in relief.

"Teresa, thank God. I need to leave", he said. She didn't say anything in response but kept guiding him towards the front door and out. Teresa sat him down on the grass and crouched in front of him.

"Okay, listen to my voice", Teresa said. Thomas frowned. Her voice had gotten deeper and her Britisch accent had gone thicker. He didn't give it much thought and tried to focus on the voice instead. "Breath in. Hold it for a second. One. Two. And breath out."

He did as the voice instructed him to and after a couple moments, he was calm again. He had his eyes closed in order to focus more and when he opened them again, he realised why Teresa's voice had gotten deeper and her accent thicker.

It was because it wasn't Teresa at all.

Before him sat a boy around his age. He had dirty blonde hair and his light brown questioning eyes were staring at his. Thomas found himself mesmerised. Never had he seen such a beautiful boy before.

"Are you okay there?", the boy asked. It took a couple of seconds for Thomas to snap out of his staring.

"Oh uh, yeah. Thank you. I feel better", he answered. The boy nodded but didn't say anything anymore. A silence fell over them. Thomas looked around and he saw that they were the only ones there. The music was still playing in the background.

"Do you get them often?", the boy suddenly broke the silence. Thomas looked back at him, only to find him already looking at Thomas. He felt his heartbeat quicken.

"U-um, yeah. When I'm around a lot of people or when I'm stressed", he answered. The boy nodded.

"Same here. Name's Newt, by the way."


Newt looked at him again and gave him a small smile, which gave Thomas butterflies. He felt his cheeks heat up too and even tho it was dark out, he still faced away.

"Thank you. For what you did", Thomas said for the sole purpose of having to say something. Newt shrugged.

"Don't worry about it. I know a panic attack when I see one", he said. "Now, if you don't mind me asking, why are you here? I mean, if you know you get these in crowded places, then why do you bloody decide to come?"

"My friend, Teresa. She wanted to blow off some steam and wanted me to come with her."

Newt opened his mouth to say something to that when a female voice called out his name.

"Thomas! Oh, my God, what happened?", Teresa yelled out and let herself fall to her knees next to Thomas.

"I had a panic attack, but I'm all good now. Newt helped me", Thomas said.

"Thank you so much, Newt. Come on, Tom. Let's get you back home. I'm so sorry for letting you alone, I should've known better-"

While Teresa was rambling, Thomas' gaze was fixed on the blond boy. He was already walking back into the house. He felt suddenly felt a little sad at the thought he might never see him again. He broke away from Teresa and ran up to Newt.

"Hey, Newt! Wait up", he yelled after him. Newt immediatly stopped and spun around, a hopeful look on his face. "Can I, uh.. Can I have your number? So we could, I don't know, uh.. hang out sometime?"

Newt chuckled. He found the boy in front of him very endearing and couldn't wait to get to know him better.

"Of course, Thomas. Give me your phone." Thomas didn't wait another second and flipped out his phone, handing it to Newt. A moment later Newt handed him his phone back.

"Thanks. Uh.. I'll text you. So, you know, you have my number too", Thomas stumbled over his own words. He couldn't believe he had the balls to ask for his number. He was lowkey proud of himself.

"Awesome. See you later, Tommy", Newt said and turned around, walking back into the house. Thomas stood frozen. Did he just--

He did.

And for the rest of the night, Thomas couldn't whipe the smile off his face.

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