Two - Old Friend

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Warning: some harsh words

"You're not my son, you hear me?!"

Newt slammed the door shut before his father could say anything else. The tears were stinging into his eyes, but there's no way he was going to cry. Not here, not now, not ever. He refused to let his father get to him.

To distract himself, he put up some music - happy, upbeat music. He could hear his father banging on his door and he was thankful for the times he begged for a lock on his bedroom door.

After a while, the banging stopped and Newt felt like he could breathe again. He turned his music down and decided to do some homework. He was behind on it anyways, so better start now then never.

He grabbed his textbook and moved to open it, when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He stared at the picture on the cover of his book that he saw millions of times before, but for some reason, now he really looked at it. On the picture were two girls in the front, smiling sweetly at the camera. Two guys in the back were laughing with each other and completely oblivious to the picture being taken.

The brunette boy reminded him of Thomas.

Thomas was his best friend in elementary school and middle school. They did everything together: play videogames, laugh in class, mess with the girls thet thought were cute. They even went shopping together. Shopping. They talked about everything to each other; who they had a crush on this time, who'd do better in a game of golf, etc. Newt believed they were inseperable.

Plus, Thomas was his first love. The first person he's ever truly fallen for.

Then highschool happened.

Thomas got a girlfriend. At first it was like it always had been; Thomas talked about her all the time. Newt even helped him ask her out and everything. But then Thomas started to distance himself from Newt. He was confused as to why. Newt tried so many times to try and talk to Thomas about it but no results.

And that was that.

Eight years of friendship. Gone. Just like that.

Newt had been heartbroken by it. He didn't leave his room for a solid month. His father didn't really mind, since he thought Newt was an abomination anyways. He barely ate and built up a huge wall. There was no way he was ever going to allow to get this hurt again.

Before he knew it, he had his phone clutched in his hand and was calling Thomas.

Luckily -or not, it's how you see it- Thomas hadn't changed his phone number in the last two years. He picked up at the third ring. His voice -so familiar, so warm, so loving, rang throught the phone.

"Newt?", Thomas asked uncertain. Had Newt really called him?

"Thom-- Thomas, I--"

And there it was. The Niagra Waterfalls.

Every single frustration, every type of pain he ever felt, he let go. He started crying his eyes out on the phone, not caring that Thomas was on the other side and that they hadn't talked in over two years. He started and he couldn't stop now.

"Newt, hey... are you okay?", Thomas asked over the phone. Newt could clearly hear the hesitation in his voice. That only made him cry even harder. They didn't used to be like that. Newt would just call him and Thomas would be like 'yeah hang on be there in five'.

Newt felt like his heart was being crushed and sliced to pieces.

Only when Newt sniffed audibly (Newt was a silent crier), did Thomas realise he was crying. He hung up the phone.

Newt just threw his phone way. What did he think? That he could just call him and everything will be fine?? Newt let out a frustrated scream and wiped everything from his bureau in one swing. He couldn't keep it in anymore. He felt himself lose control, but he couldn't care less. He threw his books on the ground, ripped some of his homework.


Someone yelled and banged at the door.

"GO AWAY, DAD! YOU NEVER CARED ABOUT ME, SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO FUCK YOURSELF?!", Newt yelled back. He knew that talking to his dad like that, will have consequences, but like I said before; he couldn't care less. He couldn't care less that he would get another beating he'd see a whole new galaxy.

He lost Thomas. He lost his Tommy. Nothing else mattered anymore.

"Newt, please! Let me--"


"FOR FUCK SAKE, NEWT! THIS ISN'T YOUR DAD, IT'S ME!", yelled the voice back. Newt went quiet at that. Wondering if what he thought who it was, was really him. "Please. Open the door."

His heart jumped. He'd remember that voice always. It was him. It was his Tommy.

He ran like never before to his bedroom door and unlocked it. Immediatly the door flew open, Newt took a few steps back as the boy he hasn't properly seen in over two years stormed into his room. The boy whom he loved with his entire heart.


"Newt...", he said softly, looking around at the mess he'd made. "What happened?"

Thomas stepped further into the room and picked up the lamp Newt had smashed earlier. All this time Newt's eyes were fixed on him. His brown hair was longer now, falling onto his forehead. His dark brown eye, now worridly fixed on his.

Thomas opened his mouth to say something but at that moment Newt finally unfroze and ran into his arms.

"Tommy...", he whispered in his shoulder. He felt Thomas tense up and he almost broke away in embarrassment. But then he felt Thomas' arms close around his body, firmly, as if he was afraid of losing him a second time.

"Newt", he whispered back.

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