Six - Break up

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Warning: a little dramatic lol

Newt felt like his whole world just came crumbling down. The ground he was standing seemed to be moving and he reached out to hold on to something, anything. His brain couldn't process what he'd just heard, he refused to believe it. He finally caught onto something -it was a bench, and slowly slid down onto it.

When Minho told him what happened, Newt wouldn't believe him. It was rude of him, because they became great friends, but Newt also knew that Minho had a thing for Thomas and he blamed Minho for trying to break them apart so he could have Thomas all to himself.

But Minho had been telling the truth.

Thomas cheated on Newt.

With Teresa, nota bene. The girl Thomas told Newt not to worry about, because Thomas didn't like her and they'd never do something.

Well, until now, Newt guessed.

"Newt, please, listen to me. Let me explain", Thomas was begging Newt. He was on his knees in front of Newt. Newt refused to look him in the eye. "She kissed me, Newt. She kissed me. I'd never do that to you! Please, believe me."

Newt stayed silent for a couple moments while Thomas kept begging to believe him.

"Newt, I love you. I'd never do this to you. I love you so much, Newt, please. You have to believe me."

"Did you kiss her back?", Newt then asked.

"No", Thomas quickly responded. But not quickly enough. There was a brief moment of hesitation, just a second, but Newt caught it. He felt his already broken heart break further into pieces.

"You did", Newt concluded. He felt his eyes sting and he was trying to keep his tears in. Thomas, on the other hand, started full on crying after Newts conclusion.

"Please, Newt, I... I love you", Thomas tried again.

"Sweet words aren't going to cover up what you did", Newt heard himself say in a cold voice. Subconciously, Newt knew that meant he set his walls back up and turned into ice, to prevent him from feeling anything. To protect him from hurting.

Thomas seemed to realise that too. He broke into a sob and grabbed Newts hands. He held on tightly.

"Why did you kiss her back?", Newt broke Thomas off as he saw that Thomas was going to say something.

Newt watched Thomas as he kept sobbing and shaking his head. There came no answer.

"Why, Thomas?"

The fact that Newt just called him Thomas instead of Tommy like he always did, seemed to break Thomas entirely. But still no answer.

"So you're not going to answer me? Fine. Then let me make things clear. Thomas, look at me", Newt said, his voice still as cold as ice. Newt knew fully well that what he was going to do next was going to hurt Thomas to no end, but the wall he set up prevented him from stopping it. He wanted to hurt Thomas just as bad as Thomas had hurt him.

Thomas slowly looked up and Newt feared his wall was going to break, but he recollected himself and forced himself to look at Thomas straight in the eye.

"We're over", Newt said. Thomas immediatly jumped up.

"No, Newt, please. Don't break up with me, please. I can't live without you, I love you so goddamn much, you can't break up with me! Newt! Please", Thomas sobbed. He knelt again and held Newts hands firmly. Or tried to, since Newt refused to let Thomas touch him. "Newt, please", Thomas whispered.

Newt closed his eyes and tried to resist the urge to take it all back. He can't. No matter how much the love of his life might beg him not to break up with him.

"Newt, please. I love you, I can't do this without you. I need you, Newt. We'll get through this together."

"There's no we anymore. You took care of that." Newt knew that he was completely wrecking Thomas by this guilttripping, but he couldn't keep it in. That's what he had always hated about himself; the fact that whenever he got hurt emotionally, he made sure the person who hurt him knew that they hurt him by hurting them right back.

Thomas was now full on crying. Trying to find words, but not being able to speak any of them. He couldn't believe he lost his Newt. All because of his own damn fault.

"Please", Thomas finally managed to say. "Let me fix this. Give me a chance to fix this. Do you think I'd just let you walk out of my life? Newt, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm not giving up on that. I'm not giving up on you." The words seemed to come at him all at once now. "I see my future with you, Isaac Newton. You. No one else. You. And maybe a mini you and me. I'm going to fight for you, Newt. Whether you want me to or not. And I know you built that wall around you that turns you into straight up ice, but I'm going to--"

"How am I supposed to trust you?", Newt interupted his speech before Thomas had the chance to change Newts mind about the break up. His heart was aching for Thomas. The wall he built up earlier worked for only a couple moments. But Thomas wouldn't be Thomas if he didn't know how to break it.

That was one of the reasons why Newt fell head over heals with Thomas. He knew how to break his walls and make him a better person.

Thomas now stared at him, open mouthed.


"How do I know if I can trust you, Thomas?"

"Please", Thomas said, closing his eyes in frustration and hurt. "Please, stop calling me by my full name. It's Tommy. Call me Tommy."

Newt wanted to say something to that, but restrained himself from doing so. He decided to ignore what he said, but stopped calling him Thomas.

"You told me so many times not to worry about her. And I believed you. I truly did. And then you go around and you kiss her? Or in your case, kiss her back? You can't expect me to just come running back to you. It's over."

"Newt, please. I'll... I'll give you time so you could--"

"I don't need time, Thom--", he sighed. "We're over. You broke my trust and you know about my major trust issues. I can't trust you, Tommy." The nickname slipped out before Newt could stop it.

Thomas, upon hearing that nickname, looked hopeful but that hope quickly vanished when he saw Newts look still as cold as ice. If you didn't know Newt the way Thomas did, you'd think he didn't care. But that's what he does, pretend to not care. But Thomas knew better.


"I'm sorry. I'm going to walk away now. I don't want you to follow me. Or text me. Or call me. I want you to leave me alone. Maybe I can find it in myself to forgive you, but I don't think I'll ever be able to trust you the way I did. I'm sorry."

"Newt, please...", Thomas said softly. "I'm going to fight for you. Like I said earlier, I'm not going to let you go. You're--"

"Tommy. No. I don't want to hear it", Newt interupted. Before Thomas could say something else, he turned around and walked away.

Thomas watched as the love of his life and his possible -not so possible anymore- future husband walk away from him. He'd never thought that something like this could ever happen to them.

But it happened.

And if Thomas respected Newts wishes -which he always did...

...there was nothing he could do to fix it.

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