Ten - Crush

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Warning: none

Thomas came up here to think. It was a calm day in the Glade, not much work to do and also the Runners had a day off. Those days were very rare, so when it occured, Thomas wanted to take that time off to really think about a variety of stuff. Stuff like who put them all there and how to get out. Minho and him weren't really succesful with finding a way out. They already discovered the maze moved in the same pattern, but they haven't discovered a way out yet. It was starting to frustrate them.

They didn't tell the others about that. Any of it. Because they fear there's no way out at all and they didn't want to crush their hopes of ever getting out of here and be reunited with their families they were sure were out there, waiting for their return. It broke Thomas' heart. Especially when Chuck was always telling him how much he missed his parents, even though he didn't remember them.

As he was thinking about one of the stories Chuck told him, his eyes fell on him. He was making something with his pocket knife, Thomas couldn't properly see what it was from up here, but he assumed he was making another little figure he could gift his family. Thomas couldn't bear to know what he knows and keep lying to everyone.

He averted his eyes and they fell on a blonde. Thomas felt his heart skip a beat, and he realised this wasn't the first time Newt had this effect on him. Newt was simply talking with Alby, laughing with a joke Alby told him. He felt his heart flutter when he heard his laugh up to where he was. A smile broke out from his lips, and was immediatly wiped away when he heard someone come up from behind him.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realise it was occupied", Teresa said when her head peaked up and she saw Thomas sitting on the edge, arms wrapped around the wooden bar a little below.

"That's okay, don't worry", Thomas responded, shortly looking at her and flashing her a small smile before he turned around again and looked for Newt, who was now walking towards Chuck.

"Mind if I join you? I'll be quiet", Teresa asked. Thomas just shrugged, his eyes never leaving Newt. He didn't even realise that Teresa was settling right next to him, following his eyes. "Staring is rude, did you know that?"

Thomas jumped a little and turned his head away when he felt his cheeks glowing. He cleared his throat. "I, uh... I wasn't staring."

"Yes, you were. And that's fine", Teresa said. Thomas looked at her, slightly confused. "I know you like him. Or at least, a little bit."

Thomas didn't know how to respond to that. He did notice Newt had a strange effect on him, but he never considered he might actually like Newt. At least, not in that way. But now that he thought of it, he guessed Teresa wasn't that wrong. But he was too scared to admit that.

"I mean, I-I don't... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, Tom. I see the way you look at him."

Teresa nudged him with her elbow as an attempt to calm Thomas down and make him feel more at ease. It wasn't working.

"No, you don't."

"You're in denial. And that's okay. You know, I kinda see it", Teresa said while she looked down at Newt, who admired the figure Chuck proudly showed him.

"Teresa... don't", Thomas said. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Newt made him feel confused and he didn't like it. "Please."

"Tom...", she started, now looking at him with an empathic look. She tried to grab his hand, but he pulled away. "You can tell me anything, okay. I won't judge, whatever it is."

"I know. Thank you. But there's really nothing--"

Newts laugh erupted again and Thomas immediatly fell silent, looking down at why Newt was laughing so hard. Teresa shot him a knowing look. Thomas sighed.

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