Thirteen - Tommy got in a fight

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Warning: curse words

Newt sighed deeply as he started the engine. His best friend, Thomas, was sitting in the passenger seat next to him, looking down at his bloody hands.

"Why, Thomas?", Newt asked when they were halfway. He glanced at Thomas, who was now staring out of the window, at the sky. Stars were forming as the night settled in.

"He deserved it", Thomas shrugged. Newt sighed again.

"What did he do to make you think he deserved to be beaten up like that?", Newt asked. It was clear that he was upset.

"He... said some things", Thomas answered after a moment of hesitation. He carefully glanced at Newt, who raised his eyebrows.

"You beat a guy up because he said some things? Thomas, what the fuck?"

"You don't know what he said", Thomas defended himself.

"Then tell me! What did he say?", Newt asked.


"No what?"

"I won't tell you."

"Tommy, come on."



"No. I'm not repeating what he said", Thomas said in a final tone. He gave Newt a hard look, but the latter didn't see it.

"Tommy, I'm just trying to understand why you did it. He said some things is not a good excuse", Newt tried again, his voice softer this time. But Thomas remained silent. "Tommy... talk to me, please."

More silence.

Newt sighed, giving up for the moment. He'll try again later.

~Small time jump~

Newt pulled up in his driveway and regarded Thomas for a second. His lip was split up, as was the skin at his eyebrows. His cheek was starting to turn yellowish.

Thomas felt Newts gaze on him and found himself feeling shy. To give him something to do, he undid his seatbelt and got out of the car. He walked up in front of Newts front door and waited there.

When they got in, Newt immediatly directed Thomas to the bathroom. Thomas went to sit in the sink and watched as Newt searched for the first aid kit.

"I'm sorry", Thomas said. Newt sighted, again, and stood up with the kit in his hands. He put it down next to Thomas and opened it. "What? Are you just going to ignore me now?"

"This might sting a bit", Newt said as he poured a little bit of anticeptic on a cotton and brought it up to Thomas' lips. Newt tried to stay focused on the wound.


"No talking", Newt interrupted. When he was sure the wound was clean, he threw the cotton away. He grabbed another one, did the same as before but this time he went to clean the wound on his eyebrow.

"Newt, please. Don't be mad at me", Thomas softly said. Newt remained silent, finished up and threw the cotton away.

"Got any bruises, other than the one on your cheek?", Newt asked after a moment. Thomas shook his head.

"No. He didn't really have the chance to hit me back", Thomas admitted. Newt opened his mouth to say something, but seemed to think better of it.

After another moment of silence, Newt decided to take a seat on the bath and stared at Thomas. Thomas felt the heavy weight of Newts stare and started fidgetting, suddenly very aware of every little movement he made. He knew Newt was waiting for an explanation, but Thomas wasn't sure he was ready to tell him yet.

"Newt...", Thomas started, half expecting for Newt to interrupt again. But Newt stayed silent and just looked at Thomas. The latter breathed in, held it for two seconds and breathed out. "You have to understand that I didn't want to hurt that guy."

Newt raised his eyebrow, but said nothing. It made Thomas really nervous. He didn't like it when Newt was being sarcastic to him, but he hated it even more when he stayed silent.

"He said some bad things... about you", Thomas finally said. Newt looked up at that. Thomas was staring at his fingers.

"Thomas, so many people say bad things about me. You know I don't care about them", Newt said. He had to stop himself from saying he only cared about what Thomas thought out loud. He stood up from the bath and walked up to Thomas. "But something tells me that this is different."

Thomas carefully looked up. They looked each other in the eye, both just now wondering how they hadn't seen how beautiful both their eyes were. Newt let his eyes roam across Thomas' face and ended at his lips. Thomas nervously licked them when he realised Newt was staring at them.

"Newt...", Thomas softly said. "What... what are you doing?"

"Nothing. What does it look like I'm doing?", Newt responded just as softly. The athmosphere changed just like that.

"Newt...", Thomas started but stopped himself.

"What?", Newt looked back up into his eyes.

"Can I... I mean... Can you... I want to... I mean, I want you to--"

"Spit it out, Tommy. What do you want me to do?", Newt asked. He came closer to Thomas and stared him straight in the eye, daring him to finish his sentence. Where Newt suddenly got the confidence from, was unclear to him. He just knew he had to do this.

"Uh...", Thomas' heartbeat was beating faster every second that passed.

"C'mon. Say it", Newt teased. He dared to get even closer. That's when Thomas lost it.

"Fuck it", he said. He grabbed the back of Newts neck, pulled him closer and smashed his lips on Newts.

Newt moaned when their lips touched. He didn't expect Thomas to be so bold, but he liked it. He liked it a lot.

Newt kissed Thomas back just as passionately. When Thomas made the move to deepen the kiss, Newt pulled away.

"Tommy, wait", Newt said when Thomas followed his movement. At that, Thomas backed up and seemed to snap back to reality. His hand was still holding Newt and he quickly restracted.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. Oh boy, why did I do that? Why did I kiss you like that? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But you shouldn't have come so close to me! You teased me and--"

"Tommy, stop talking."

"--you know what that does to me! Why would you do that? Knowing damn well that shit gets me going! This is all--"


"--wrong. No, not wrong. Not wrong at all." At that, Thomas stopped talking and stared straight ahead.

Slowly, Newt approached him from behind. He slid his arms around Tommy's torso and held him firmly. He could feel all the tension leaving Thomas' body as he leaned backwards into the touch.

"I like you, Tommy", Newt whispered. Thomas closed his eyes and took in Newts words. Newt could sense Thomas was struggling for words and decided to help him out. "You don't have to say anything back. At least, not right now. I just wanted you to know."

"Newt", Thomas said and turned around in Newts arms. Newt let go of him, but Thomas grabbed Newts arms and motioned him to put his arms back. So that's what Newt did. "I know there's... something. I just... I think... I might... I mean, there might be... a possibility that I... that I feel the same way. All I know is that I like being around you." Thomas chuckled a bit. "And I just figured out I like kissing you, so there's that."

Newt chuckled along.

"So I can keep doing it?", Newt asked. Thomas smiled, which made Newt smile too.

"Please do", Thomas whispered. "And never stop."

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