Nine - Confessions

431 5 1

Warning: a bit rushed, misspelled words

"Urghhhhhhh, why do schools exist?"

"Dang, that was a long ass groan there, Tommyboy."

"Hey, Minho, back off. That's my nickname for him."

"No, you call him Tommy. I call him Tommyboy. Not the same thing."

"Look, guys. It's sweet y'all love me so much, but really, there's no need to fight for nicknames", Thomas came in between Newt and Minho's little banter. Minho smirked and went back to studying for his upcoming test later today.

Newt focused his attention on Thomas, who has laid his head on his selfmade pillow (his jacket).

"Late night?", Newt asked. Thomas groaned again.

"Yeah. She just wouldn't hang up the phone", Thomas answered without looking up.

"Damn, homegirl really is into you."

"Shut up and go back to studying, Minho", Newt immediatly jumped in before Thomas had the opportunity to start talking about how he was into her as well.

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, she's not going to be here today, so we can breathe", Thomas said. He pulled out his backpack and started looking through it.

"What are you looking for?", Newt asked.

"My phone. I just remembered there was this event this weekend and I wanted to ask T if she wanted to go", Thomas said. Newt frowned and also Minho looked up from his book with a confused look.

"What?", Thomas asked when he noticed his two bestfriends were staring at him like he just spoke in Chinese.

"First you're glad she's not in school today and not even a second after you said that, you're going to text her to spend some time together? That doesn't make any sense", Newt said.

"Well, Tommyboy never makes sense when he's into someone", Minho said with a smirk. Newt tried not to give the stab he just felt away by keeping his face as straight as he could.

Thomas scoffed. "I'm not into her. I just don't want to go alone."

"And yet, you immediatly though of Teresa to ask", Minho pushed on.

"You're looking too far into this."

"Am I, tho?"

"Yes. I don't like her like that."

"Then why do you want ask her if she wants to come with you?"

"Minho, please. Drop it", Thomas sighed.

"Why? I'm pushing the right buttons here, aren't I?"

"No, you're really not. Because if you are, you would've noticed I actually am into someone. Just not her."

That made Newt look up. "Wait, what?"

"Yeah. I'm seeing someone", Thomas repeated. "I don't know how they see me, though, so it's one sided."

"Who is it?", Minho immediatly asked.

"Maybe I'll tell you later."

"Wait. I don't get it", Newt said.

"What's not to get? Tommyboy here is in loveee", Minho said.

"Hey, woa. No one said anything about being in love", Thomas said.

"You're leading Teresa on. Why don't you just ask the person you're seeing to the event? Why choose Teresa?"

"Because, Newt, my dearest... I'm too nervous to ask him out."

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