Three - Besties

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Warning: none

"Okay. Why do you hate me so much?", Thomas asked Newt, who had a big broad smirk on his face. They were at a karaoke bar and Newt put Thomas' name on the list of performers.

"Because you're cute when you're mad", Newt answered him, poking his cheek. "Or at least, when you try to be."

Thomas slapped Newt's hand away before he could see the blush starting to rise. He got up off his feet and walked to the stage. Newt cheered for him as he went. Thomas grabbed the mic and kept a sharp eye on Newt.

The crowd cheered. Thomas saw Newts smile grow bigger. It gave him butterflies. He could stare at that smile for an eternity. But they were just friends. There was no way they'd ever be more than that. Thomas hadn't even come out to him yet.

Thomas cleared his throat as he tore his eyes off of Newt. The song started and Thomas gave it his all. He swore he could hear Newt laugh over the crowds cheers.

~Time jump~

"You were great up there", Newt said as they walked back to Thomas' appartment. "I didn't know you could sing."

Thomas tried to fight off his smile, but failed and turned it into a smirk.

"I'm full of surprises", Thomas said. They almost arrived and Thomas felt that familiar twinge of dissapointment. He almost had to say goodbye to Newt again.

"Oh yeah?", Newt said. There was something in Newts voice that made Thomas glance at him. He was watching Thomas with a raised eyebrow. He felt his heart contract. He looked so good when he did that and he didn't even know.

"Yeah", Thomas said, fake nonchalant. They arrived at the building and were walking towards the elevator. Thomas hesitated to press the button.

"What is it?", Newt asked, noticing something was holding Thomas back. "Tommy, are you okay?"

Thomas closed his eyes. He loved it so much when Newt called him Tommy. It made him feel special. It also made him want to pin Newt to a wall and kiss the breath out of him. When he felt like he was in full control again, he opened his eyes and turned around.

Newt was looking at him with curious, worried eyes. Thomas wanted to say that he was alright and that they should do this some other time. But the words that came out of his mouth weren't exactly the words he prepared.

"Newt, I'm gay."

It was silent for a moment. Thomas was scared to look Newt in the eye.


Thomas' head shot up.

"Okay? Wait, that's all? Really?"

Newt shrugged.

"What else do I say? You're still my best friend. Nothing's going to change that", he said and he smiled. God, how much Thomas loved that smile.

Newt took a step forward and Thomas swore he could feel his heart stop. Then Newt reached behind him and pressed the elevator button.


"Nothing?", Thomas interrupted. He needed to hear it one more time.

"Nothing what?"

"Nothing could ever change our friendship?"

Newt shook his head. "Nothing."

"Not even the fact that I'm in love with you?"

It was out before Thomas could even think about it. Newt eyes widened and Thomas felt almost ashamed. Why did he say it like that? Why didn't he ever think before speaking? Thomas saw the look of shock in Newts eyes and couldn't bear it. He looked away and was glad the elevator doors opened behind him. He turned around without another look at Newt and stepped in.

He turned around again when he was in the elevator and pushed the button to his floor.

And then Newt was beside him.

"Newt, what--"

"Not even that", Newt interrupted. Thomas felt relieved. He didn't lose Newt. Thomas started to smile.

"Thank God, I thought I lost you. Look, I promise I won't make things awkward. I know you have your eyes on that girl, uh, what's her name again?", Thomas snapped his fingers, trying to remember the name of the girl Newt had a crush on. Not that he cared that much -in fact, he didn't care at all- but he just didn't want it to become awkward between them.


"Yes! Her", Thomas said. "How come I've never met her?"

"Because she doesn't exist", Newt said. Thomas frowned. Newt lied to him? Why would he lie to him?

"What? What do you mean?"

"Tommy...", Thomas balled his hands into fists, "you're so adorably stupid."

"Hey! I'm not stupid", Thomas defended himself.

"But you are", Newt said. Thomas looked at him, confused. They said stuff like this to each other all the time, but this time, Newt seemed to actually mean it.

Newt sighed and stepped closer to Thomas. But before he could say or do anything, the elevator doors opened again. Newt stepped out and waited for Thomas to follow. Thomas felt like he couldn't breath.

"I made her up. I wanted to see how you'd react", Newt started to talk. Thomas stepped out the elevator to indicate he was listening. He didn't really know what to say to that. They made their way to Thomas' appartment.


Newt sighed and let his head down, but Thomas could see a faint smile on his lips. He stopped walking and turned around. Thomas almost ran into him.

"Isn't it obvious? Do I need to spell it out for you?", Newt said, eyebrows raised. Thomas stayed silent, scared that he'd say something 'stupid' again. "Fine, I'll spell it out for you. Here. I was hoping you'd be jealous."

"Well, I was", Thomas immediatly said. "I wanted it to be me you had your eyes on."

"And it was you. It still is you. It's always been you. I was never into girls. From the moment I met you, I was practically yours. Tommy, I--"

This time upon hearing that nickname, he didn't hold back. Thomas grabbed Newts shirt and smacked their lips together. Newt moaned into the kiss, which encouraged Thomas to go further. He pushed Newt, not unkindly, to the wall and asked for entrance, which Newt immediatly granted.

Thomas felt like he was dreaming. He was kissing the love of his life. The boy he was in love with for years, and thought he'd never have a chance with. And now he's kissing him and he enjoyed it.

Thomas detached their lips and started kissing down his neck. When he reached a certain spot, Newt inhaled sharply and he pulled on Thomas' hair, which made Thomas groan. Newt went weak and in a reflex, Thomas put his knee between Newts legs, to keep him up. For the second time, Newt inhaled sharply and moaned even.

Then they pulled apart. Newts eyes were full of lust and his hair was a mess. It turned Thomas on irrevocably. Without another word, Thomas grabbed Newts wrist and pulled him into appartment, immediatly shutting the door behind them.

Let's say they had a great end of the evening ;)

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