The blood of innocence

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The blood stained sheet was hung in the middle of the courtyard as was the custom, to prove and honor the innocence of the woman who's virginal blood it was. The servants did their job and hung it for all to see. Word spread like wild fire throughout the MacCloud land and everyone came to witness the unbelievable. The beautiful woman who was branded a scarlet woman and was wrongfully accused, the woman who was pure and innocent, but was condemned even before she had arrived on their land. The harlot wife of the next Laird of Balmoral was now loved and adored by the people, and they seeked justice! They wanted her back, they wanted their mistress to grace the halls of Balmoral castle once again, they wanted Alexander to kneel before her and publicly beg for forgiveness, they wanted him to restore her good name. They chanted her name across the land and prayers were already on their way. Even Alexander's mistresses were praying for her safe return.

Today marked a full week of their mistress's disappearance, and there was turmoil in Balmoral castle. On that dreadful morning when Alexander had discovered that his wife was missing, he had gone wild with grief. He had rounded up all his warriors, every single one of them and searched the land day and night for a full week, but she was nowhere to be found.

It was whispered among many that Alexander had killed her and had hid her body in the deep forest somewhere, and he had them searching just to cover up his crime. Many stories had circulated around the country, and had spread all the way to Sterlingshire castle. Michael had roared with anger and fear, the guilt that wrapped around his heart almost killed him on the spot.

It was not a surprise to the MacClouds when they heard the thunderous roar of two hundred warriors riding their stallions into their courtyard, nor was it a surprise when the leader of the pack, Michael, called out Alexander's name with a war cry, and demanded he come out and confront him.

Alexander ran out of the castle with his father at his side, and his brother's tailing behind him. He stopped in front of Michael and his brothers formed a circled around him to protect him and their father from harm. Michael stood in a warrior stance, with his legs spread apart and his muscled arms at his sides. His hands held dangerous weapons and his face looked mad as hell! The man was out for blood!

"Where's my sister!" Roared Michael thunderously.

"She's gone!" Alexander responded in an equally aggressive tone of voice. He would not be intiminated by Michael.

"Where has she gone too?" Michael roared in a cold and dangerous tone of voice that would have made any other warrior shaking in their boots, but Alexander had not a bone in his body that feared anyone.

"I don't know, we are still looking for her!" Alexander answered, his icy blue eyes were fixed on Michael's emerald ones and sparks of hatred were evident.

"You have wronged my sister and I am here to avenge her!" Michael threatened.

"No, it was you who wronged your sister, not I!" Alexander's voice thundered throughout the courtyard.

The MacAlister brothers, who had circled around their brother to protect him should the need arise, tightened their hold on their weapons at their sides, and the MacClouds did the same. The tension was rising and war between the two clans was unavoidable, unless one of them backed down.

"I gave her to you to love and protect, but you destroyed her!" Michael spit out.

"You threw her to me wanting to get rid of her because her name was trashed, you wanted to wash your hands of her and be rid of your responsibility. Now you speak through your guilt! She was innocent of all crimes against her!" Alexander's voice broke as he spoke those words.

Michael noticed the many emotions that plagued Alexander and for the first time realized that the warrior might be in love with his sister. There was no way this man has killed Lanie. Relief washed over him and he struggled to hold his emotions in check. Waving his hand in the air for his clan to put down their weapons, he focused his attentions back on the warrior.

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