The truth revealed

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Yasmin kept her eyes glued to the marble floor. The color of shame burned her cheeks and she had not the heart to look Tristan in the eyes. Thomas however, was all smiles,even his eyes glittered with laughter when he looked upon his brother Tristan.

Silence fell in the room as they all waited for some kind of word from their brother confirming what they already knew.

"She is mine, my hands touched her and my mark is upon her now, no one, not even God can take her from me now!" Thomas said with satisfaction, and his eyes fixed on Tristan."

The Druid did not miss the way his brother Tristan looked at his bethrothed with accusing eyes, and a smile curved his lips. "Notify the priest, I want to marry her tonight and make her my wife immediately!"

"Father John is not here, he is due to arrive tomorrow. You have no option but to wait until he returns." Michael told him. He hated that his siblings were at war. Ever since his parents died, he was the one that had to keep the peace in the family and it didn't sit well with him that his two brothers were fighting over the same woman. They used to be a close nit family, and very loyal to each other. He made a mental note to fix this problem before it got out of hand.

"Then Yasmin stays with me at all times, I will move her things into my chambers tonight, she will sleep with me. Notify me as soon as Father John arrives, I want this ceremony over and done with. I must hurry and sleep with her and fulfill the prophecy!"

Yasmin's heart raced, soon she will belong to another. Her pleading eyes flicked over to Tristan and met and locked with his. Not a single person in the room could miss the love that sparkled between them, including Thomas who drew his sword and aimed it at Tristan.

"Go near her and I will slit your throat!" Thomas growled angrilly, and Tristan charged at him.

"Are you mad! He is your brothers soulmate! Do you want to hang brother?" Michael asked, stepping between his two brothers.

Tristan and Thomas were in a wild rage and all his brothers jumped in to help out Michael.

"Are you insane Tristan, he is the sixth brother of the MacAlisters, he must connect as soon as possible, you know what's at stake here, why would you want to come between them?" Silas reasoned.

Tristan's knew that the prophecies claimed that the sixth MacAlister has to marry Yasmin, and in all reality, he was the sixth MacAlister, but Michael who read the Tablets carefully said that because Lidia took her husbands name MacAlister, any kid she gave birth to, be it her deceased husbands or not is still a MacAlister child, so that would make Thomas the sixth child!

Thomas looked at Michael and a knowing look passed between them that did not go unnoticed from the rest of the brothers.

"Yasmin, do you want to marry my brother Thomas?" Michael asked her, and silence fell into the room, as all eyes fell upon her.

"Yes I do." She said softly, but her eyes stayed glued to the floor.

"Will you stay faithfull to him and love him with all your might?"

"Yes I will." She lied, fearing if she told the truth they would hang Tristan.

Michael turned to look at Tristan, "She wants to marry your brother, can you honor that and bring peace in our home?"

"Tristan threw Yasmin one last look before he answered. "Aye, I will honor it, you have my word."

Hawk who stood silently in the back of the room observing everything that had transpired doubted that Tristan spoke the truth, but he did not mouth his suspicions. He just wanted this mess to be cleaned up so they could start focusing on his daughters whereabouts.

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