The closing ceremony

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Seth's chest heaved breathlessly, as he watched the eleventh round end with a near miss fatality. The crowds were silent as they watched the warrior go down, Silas reached down and gave his hand in a friendly gesture to help the warrior up, but as he did so, the beastly warrior grabbed Silas's hand and pulled him to the ground and then jumped on top of him.

It all happened in a matter of seconds before Silas even had a chance to react. the MacAlisters tensed and watched his brother go down with tremendous force and winced when they heard the impact.

Stephan eyes glittered with laughter as he watched, and a smile curved his lips. Serves him right, he thought, he came here to fight and not watch the ladies of the court! That will teach him a lesson he shall not forget too easy.

Silas was always a ladies man, and this time he got what was coming to him. Stephan didn't worry that anything will happen to his uncle, for no one could best him at fighting, but the fact that he fell in front of the all the ladies who watched and admired him bruised his ego. Stephan tensed, he knew that Silas would now have to put on an act to please the ladies and save face.

The beastly warrior busted his hand throwing many punches to Silas's iron chest, and Silas lay on the ground and rolled his eyes. "Is that all you got?" He whispered into the ear of the beast.

The beastly warrior looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face, giving Silas the opportunity he was looking for. With one swift movement, Silas jumped to his feet and beat the living hell out if the beastly warrior. Seconds later he was laying unconscious on the ground! The crowd applauded thunderously, and roared with praise, Silas had single handedly stolen the show once again.

The thirteenth round was skipped because of superstitious reasons, which the Scottish were famous for, and they went ahead to the fourteenth round. Seth marched over to where his uncles stood and watched the battle.

"Switch places with me, I want to fight!" He barked at Daniel.

Daniel was disappointed, he too wanted to step in the ring and fight, and now his opportunity was taken away, but he couldn't deny Seth the chance to step in and fight, that was the whole reason they were here for to begin with.

"It's all yours." He said to Seth, and stepped aside giving his spot to his nephew.

Seth's giant, muscled body stepped in the spot where Daniel was and he waited to be called forth. Seconds before the fighting started he glanced up at the podium where Kristina sat and their eyes met and locked. His heart slammed against his muscled chest, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen! His heart filled with love, and he swallowed a lump in his throat. By the end of the night, she will be back in his bed, he promised himself as his huge fist smashed the temple of his opponent. He went down immediately, because he was no match for Seth. In fact, there was not a single man in the arena save for Stephan, who could best Seth.

The huge crowd stared in disbelief at the giant warrior. Attention was taken away from Silas and James and all eyes fell on Seth. They watched as he walked up to the railings where the princess was and lifted his eyes to hers. Silence fell across the stadium. No one breathed a sound, as they waited to see what the warrior would do next.

"Why did you not tell me that you were a princess!" He asked, in a low deep troubled voice.

"Why would it matter what my station is?" Kristina leaned forward, and answered. "slaves are just as worthy to be loved as anyone else!"

Seth lost himself in her vivid blue eyes. He wanted to tell her that he had changed his mind and he wanted to marry her regardless if he thought her a slave or not, but he knew that she would not believe him.

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