Words from the heart

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Bruce walked up to where Liandra lay and he bent over, and collected her in his strong and possessive arms. He lay her gently on the bed and stepped back. Was she sleeping? had she fainted? He didn't know because he had never seen a woman faint before. He knew she wasn't dead, because he had felt her soft breathing when he held her.

Walking over to the window, Bruce looked out and scanned the area below. He missed Scotland and he ached to go home, but he knew that it was impossible to do so from here. He has to find away to return to Scotland and once there, he will make a passage way to time travel. His magic was weak and it would be months before he could get all his magic back. He would have to use the runes to help him return.

Turning around, his eyes fell on Liandra. He decided that he was going to take her with him. As far as he knew, she had no one except Sam, and he was not out for her best interest, he wanted to use her and break her spirit! Anger set forth in his heart, who would do such a thing to a young woman?

He was going to bring her back home with him and gift her to his brothers, for certain one of them would take her as his mistress, and see to her every need. She will be taken care of and treated like a queen, his brothers were strong warriors who fought battles and killed enemies but they were gentle with their woman. Liandra would be very happy at Kenningsworth.

Little did he know and realize that he had already fallen in love with her and that the soulmate connection was well on its way to be completed. He was to proud to understand and separate her from all the other women he had ever had. Bruce was setting himself up for disaster!

Liandra stirred and moaned softly, Bruce whirled around and his features softened when his eyes fell on the beauty. She's beautiful, he thought, mayhap I can keep her a little while longer before I gift her to my brothers. How is it that a beautiful woman like that had kept herself pure and untouched, she must be at least twenty one years of age!

His eyes caressed her velvety skin softly, and he nearly drowned with need. he wanted her badly, but this wasn't the time or the place to take her again. They had to move fast before Sam got back.

Liandra shifted, and slowly fluttered her eye lashes, opening her eyes, he read fear in them and watched as she inched away from him.

"Don't come near me again or I will scream bloody murder!" She threatened. "Just because we made love, that doesn't mean anything! I will call the police and have you arrested you crazy maniac!"

Bruce smiled at her, she is even more beautiful when she's mad, he thought, yes she will make a fine gift for one of my brothers.

Bruce ignored the pain in his gut at the thought of his brothers or anyone else for that matter touching her, he wanted her desperately for himself, but he knew he couldn't keep her, he was the next Laird of Kenningsworth and his father will marry him off to another to keep the alliance with their many enemies. Since the deal with Kristina didn't go through, he was sure his father would make him marry the beautiful Princess of Lennox, he has heard that her beauty was rare, and her skin was soft as velvet. She would make a good wife to grace the halls of Kenningsworth, he thought, and fill the halls with babes. Her ancestors come from a strong bloodline, and their union would create plenty of babes to keep the MacCane name going.

My highlander my love, part twoWhere stories live. Discover now