Alexander's appreciation

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On the ride back to Balmoral castle, Alexander tried not to notice the effect sitting behind his wife was having on him. To admit that he loved her more than life itself would be an understatement, she was the very air that he breathed, but his heart sank at the thought of all that had passed between them.

He was man enough to admit that he was one hundred percent wrong in his relationship with his wife, and he was even willing to get on his hands and knees and beg for forgiveness, but would she be able to forgive him? Could she forgive him?

He tightened his hold on his wife, and closed his eyes as he leaned over to breath in the scent of roses that her hair emanated, his nostrils flared and he almost kissed the side of her neck, but held himself back. The Druid did not want to push himself on her too fast, he decided to woo her first, and help,her fall in love with him. He missed her terribly, and he was going to win her heart if it's the last thing he did! He thought, and swallowed back a sob. They have not exchange a single word with each other throughout the ride home, he was scared of saying the wrong thing and destroying any hope of salvaging his marriage.

Up ahead, Hawk led the way, his broad shoulders were straightened, and he sat on his stallion like a powerful leader. Alexander was envious of the Fay. He looked like he was in total control, unlike Alexander who was about to lose his mind. He made a mental note to himself to ask the Fay for advice before he left. The Fay and his wife seemed much in love and he wanted the same for himself and Lanie.

Lanie felt her husbands breathe on her neck and her heart skipped a beat. She loved him, of that she was sure of, but she was scared that once they reached Balmoral castle, Alexander's anger would befall her. She had no idea what he felt for her, did he love her, or was he so arrogant that he knew not what true love was?

The MacCloud brothers circled around Alexander and Lanie, they were almost home, and Lanie looked to her left and watched her beloved son Gabriel ride next to them. He looked to be a fine lad, just like his father. The Druidess stifled back a cry that did not go unnoticed by her husband, who's heart sank, because he thought she was crying because she didn't love him anymore, if ever.

Outside Balmoral castle, a huge crowd formed, and the closer they rode, the more frightened Lanie was. Were these people waiting to condemn her again? Were they angry at her and will they demand another punishment? Not knowing what was going to happen once they reach the courtyard, Lanie started to shake uncontrollably, and Alexander noticed it right away.

"Be not afraid my wife, they are not here to condemn you, they are here to support you, this I swear!" He told her, and Lanie nearly fainted with relief.

When the riders reached the courtyard, the huge crowd made a pathway to allow them entrance. There was soft murmuring around the yard, but Lanie was too tense to even notice. Alexander helped his wife off the horse and quickly took her inside the castle.

"Bring us lunch and ale, we will dine in our chambers today." Alexander barked to his servants, as he led his wife up the stairs and into his room. The servants scrambled to do his bidding, just as the rest of the MacClouds walked in the grand hall.

"I will give you an hour of privacy to bathe and prepare for our meal. I trust to find you well when I return." He told her gently before he exited his chambers.

Running down the stairs, he found the Fay in deep conversation with his wife. Jealousy struck his heart when he witnessed all the love that was evident between him and Nessa. "Hawk, may I steal you away for a few minutes from your wife, it is important."

The Fay kissed his wife passionately, before he walked over to the Druid. Alexander did not miss how Nessa's eyes shined bright with love for her husband, and he wondered if Lanie would ever look at him in the same way.

They walked into the library, and Alexander shut the door. "I want to thank you for your help Hawk." The Druid said.

"No need to thank me, just find your way into your wife's heart, and be happy my friend." The Fay said.

Alexander stood quietly, before Hawk, and the Fay narrowed his eyes. He knew that the Druid was struggling to say something. Raising an eye brow, he asked, "is there something you would like to add?"

Alexander exhaled and walked over to the double windows, his back was turned on the Fay, as he spoke, "I need your help Hawk."

The Fay was surprised that the egotistic Laird would ask for help from him. "And what may I ask might you want from me?"

The Druid whirled around and faced Hawk, his eyes looked tormented, and his voice was hoarse when he finally spoke, "I need advice on how to save my marriage. I love my wife but I fear that I lost her love with everything that has happened. It is all my fault, I admit it, but I am willing to do what ever it takes to win my wife's love back."

"Just let your heart speak, women need to hear how much we love them, and what they mean to us. Women are delicate creatures, and must be treated as such. If you love your wife, and I can see that you do, then tell her what she means to you. Love her enough to speak your heart, show her how much you love her by making love to her. Actions speak louder than words sometimes my friend." Hawk said, secretly pleased that the Laird finally realized how much he loves his wife. "do not waste another second, go now and claim back your wife! In the morning I shall still be here with Nessa, and I want to hear all about it."

Alexander rushed out of the library as fast as his feet could take him, he climbed the stairs three at a time and entered his chambers excitedly. He found Lanie bathed and dressed, standing by the window with her back to him. A thousand emotions coursed through his heart, and he was left breathless, as he walked over to where his wife stood and pulled her into his arms.

"My heart," he whispered breathlessly, "I have missed you greatly."

Alexander whirled his wife around and looked down at her. Their eyes met and locked and the Druid trembled with all the powerful emotions that he was feeling at this moment. "Lanie, do you love me even the slightest bit?"

"Aye, I love you husband." She admitted, as tears glided down her beautiful face.

"Can you forgive me?" He asked in a broken voice.

Lanie was too emotional to speak and she just nodded her head.

Alexander took a deep inhalation of breath before he dropped to his knees before her, and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. "Thank you Lanie, you shall not regret it, I will live the rest of my days trying to make it up to you." He promised, as tears shined bright in his eyes. "I love you wife, I have always loved you."

Hello everyone, for those of you who have not read my book sweet Obsession, please do so, because I am going to play a game with all of you and the winner will get my book delivered to their home for free!!! Sweet obsession is written on both of my accounts, if you go into my reading list the sweet obsession is there for you to read, which has more pages than the one that I have posted on this account. Read it and be ready for a few questions that I will ask, and who ever gets the right answer will win a free copy of my book, signed sealed and delivered to them!! Have fun reading it. And in a few days I will ask the two questions.

Thank you for your votes and comments xoxxoxxoxo

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