A Twist of Fate

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Julia woke up feeling like crap. Running to the bathroom, she kneeled over the toilet and emptied out her stomach. She felt nauseated, and after she washed out her mouth and flushed the toilet, she crawled back into bed, and closed her eyes.

Maybe she ate something last night that didn't sit well with her, Julia thought miserably. Bella curled up next to her quietly, but did not feel bad for Julia. She was excited that soon she will give birth to a special baby. A baby that her clan was waiting for, for eons! This is not just any baby, this was THE BABY! Bella sighed and closed her eyes. Images of the night before came to her mind, and a smile curled her lips. Harry really outdone himself last night, she thought happily, and she meowed without realizing it. He was a macho cat with a macho Twinkie she thought, and her whiskers curled and she sighed with satisfaction.

Julia fell asleep again, but the ringing of her phone woke her. Jumping out of bed, she ran to get the phone, and answered it.

"You sound sleepy, was it a long night?" Charles asked, in a deep masculine tone of voice.

"No, I slept right away when I came to my room, but this morning I felt sick and fell back into bed." She said, still feeling a bit under the weather.

"Can I bring you anything?" He asked with concern.

"No I'll be fine, I think I might have caught a cold. It was rather windy last night. I think I'm not used to Chicago weather." She laughed.

"Can I visit you after work?" Charles asked.

"Yes, I would like that." She told him, as she walked back to the bed and slipped under the covers.

"Later alligator." He said.

"In a while crocodile." She laughed, and ended the call.


Edward was coming down the stairs just as Brenda, Peter's woman, was going up the stairs. Their eyes met and locked and the coldness in her eyes sent cold shivers up and down his spine. Ignoring her existence he continued down the stairs and headed straight to the dining room just as the maid started collecting the dirty plates off the table. Peter and a few others were in deep conversation about how to deal with the situation with Julia.They fell silent when they saw Edward walk in the room, and Peter motioned for him to have a seat.

"It's about time you came down stairs, we have been eagerly waiting for you. We wasted too much time, and there is quite a lot of things we need to do before October. First and foremost, we need to find Julia. She is our main concern and focus at this time. William will have our heads on a silver platter if we don't find her in time!" Peter announced.

Edward's heart sank, how would he find her? He had no idea where she had gone. "She could be anywhere, how will we find her?" He asked, his voice sounded desperate and worried.

"You were a fool not to have noticed that she was yours, didn't you feel the connection when you slept with her?" Peter asked, shaking his head in astonishment.

"I did, but I think I was too engrossed in my own thoughts that I was confused and not alert of the reality." Edward said regretfully.

"She is your soulmate, and you need to find her. She has the key to the ancient room which holds the blueprints to all that exists, and if we don't find her in time, the walls will come down on October 31, and all hell will break loose." Peter said with urgency in his tone of voice.

"A key?" Edward asked, not recalling Julia having a key.

"Yes, it's in the shape of a pyramid, and the size of a small fist. It's gold, and on the bottom it has a ruby in the middle surrounded by eight corners which connect to the other half of it that is on an ancient door in Scotland that holds the blue prints of the universe inside. Haven't you read the prophecies?" Peter asked, annoyed that he had to explain to Edward what he should have known already. "Julia and her sister Kyra are the only ones that hold the power to use the key. It will not connect with any other person in the world. We must find Julia and take her to Scotland, so she and her sister can open the door, then we have to read the blueprints and find out what the magic words to close the walls are, so we can prevent them from going down."

Edward listenened to Peter's words with amazement that his soulmate and her sister were the chosen ones. He knew that his soulmate was special, but he never knew exactly what she was special for. He never took the time to find out, and he felt like a fool that she had left him and he had no idea of her whereabouts.

Looking back on his life, Edward realized that he had wasted time chasing after his brothers soulmate, and then when he left and came to America, he was too busy sleeping around with many beautiful woman, until a few days before he bumped into Julia. His heart broke in two knowing that he had Julia in his arms but wasn't capable of keeping her. Now she was gone, and GOD only knew if he would find her before October 31.

"Do you have a plan in mind of how you will find Julia? Do you have an idea of where she could be?" One of the other Druids sitting at the table asked Edward.

Edward was lost for words, the fact was that he had no idea where to search for her. His heart pounded against his muscled chest, and his stomach coiled into a knot. What if something happened to her, then what?

Before Edward could answer the question that was thrown to him, his cell phone rang, and he answered it right away.

"Hello." He said anxiously.

"Edward MacAlister?" Someone said on the other line.

"Speaking." Edward responded.

"We have your Mercedes, we found it abandon on a side street, come to the station and get the police report and collect your car. I don't want to have to tow such a beautiful car." The man on the other line said.

"Fine, I'm on my way." He said before he ended the call.

"She abandoned the car, which means she took the Grey Hound to another state!" He said, desperately trying not to lose his self control. He wanted to weep, but didn't know how to, having never done that before.

"You must tune in to her, soulmate's can feel each other even if they are thousand of miles away." Peter said.

"And how do I do that?" He asked, eager to learn how to do that so he could find her faster.

"You simply just focus on her with your heart and soul, and you will feel the pull." Peter replied. "If you tune in to her, you will be able to find her."

"Why didn't you tell me this yesterday, I wasted a whole day for nothing!" Edward said angrily as he lifted himself off his seat. "I need a ride to the station."

Peter chased after him out into the driveway where he had his Jeep parked. "Jump in, the station is only a few miles away"

When they reached the police station, Edward climbed out of the Jeep and circled around the car to the driver side. "Thanks for your help. I'll get in touch with you as soon as I find her." He told Peter.

"Good luck my friend." Peter replied before he drove off.


"What do you mean Edward lost his soulmate?" Stephan growled angrily at William. "Didn't he make the connection?"

"Yes he made the connection, but she got away because he did not recognize who she was." William explained.

"What an idiot he is!" Michael yelled. "So now what do we do, we don't have much time left?"

"First and foremost, we will not panic!" William said calmly. "If your mother realizes what is going on she will get upset, and I we don't want that to happen." Turning his attention to Stephan, William said, "you will have to go help him find Julia, we don't have much time left!"

"Me? Why me!" Stephan said, he didn't want to leave Scotland. "You know I don't care for America! Why can't Tristan go in my,place?"

Tristan stiffened, he didn't want to go either. "I'm not going anywhere! I have too many responsibilities in Scotland to leave any time soon."

"Stephan shall go, it is settled!" Michael said, and William sighed a relief that Michael sided with him on this. It was very important that Stephan went because he will not only help Edward to find Julia, but he will find his soulmate in the process. But William will keep that piece of information to himself for now.

"Fine, but I shan't stay a minute longer than necessary!" Stephan said through gritted teeth.

Thank you for having patience with me, I'm am super busy preparing for New Year's Eve, and New Year's Days celebration.

Pleas take a moment and vote and comment, it would mean the world to me. Xoxxoxoxxoxxoxo

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