I will come for you

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Seth pulled the reins and the black stallion came to a complete halt. The warrior jumped off his horse, wrapped his calloused hands around Kristina's tiny waist and pulled her off the horse.

Holding her in his arms, he kicked the door to the cabin open with his foot and carried his bride through the threshold. Placing her gently on her feet, Seth turned around, closed and locked the wooden door, and walked over to the fireplace to start a fire.

Kristina's eyes followed her husband around the room as he collected logs and threw them in the fireplace. He lit the fire using his magic, and the blazing flames roared and crackled, as they licked the logs and warmed the cabin quickly.

Seth then lifted himself to his feet and turned to face his bride. Kristina's heart skipped a beat as she looked into his green eyes that blazed with desire. His golden mane of hair hung loose around his shoulders, and he looked wild and sexy.

"Kristina." Her name fell from his lips In a mere whisper, "remove your gown!"

The Druidess did as she was told and stepped out of her gown. Standing naked in front of her husband, she raised her eyes to his. The warrior trembled with desire, and his heart pounded wildly against his muscled chest. Closing his eyes for a split second, Seth took a deep breath of inhalation.

"Come here wife!" He said hoarsely.

The princess took a few steps forward and stood in front of the warrior. Seth could not take his eyes off her, wrapping his hands around her waist, he pulled Kristina to him and crushed her in his strong and possessive arms.

The Druidess lifted her head and looked up at her husband, her eyes begging him to make love to her. Mad with desire, Seth lifted her off the wooden floor and took her to the bed. Not bothering to pull back the covers, Seth threw her on the mattress and she lay sprawled naked with her legs apart, waiting for him to join her.

Seth could not take his eyes off her, removing his kilt, he dropped it to the floor and stood by the side of the bed looking down at her. His nostrils flared and his muscles bulged with every move that he made.

Kristina's eyes dropped to his massive erection and a stifled cry of passion escaped her plump lips and drove the warrior mad with desire. Unable to wait any longer, Seth jumped on the bed next to her and pulled her into his arms.

"My wife!" He said hoarsely before his lips worshipped every inch of her sexy body, until he felt her tremble beneath him.


Silas could not take his eyes off the beautiful woman. Everything around him ceased to exist, as he tried to calm his beating heart. Who was she? What was her name, and to whose clan did she belong to? He wondered breathlessly, as he grabbed another shot of whiskey off the tray from a passing servant.

Bringing the shot glass to his lips, the Druid swallowed its contents in one gulp and placed the empty glass on a table nearby. When he turned to feast his eyes upon the beauty again, she was gone! He looked around the courtyard anxiously, but she was nowhere to be found!


Eight hundred years into the future

February 2015

Cleveland Ohio

Liandra tossed and turned all night long. Her dreams were stronger and more vivid this time and she finally saw his face as he leaned in and kissed her.

"I will come for you February the second!" He told her hoarsely as he pressed his lips against hers passionately.

Liandra's eyes popped open, "Who are you?" She asked breathlessly, as she turned her head on the pillow to see what time it was.

5:00 a.m.

Trying to calm her beating heart, Liandra wiped the beaded sweat off her forehead with her tee shirt, and looked once again at the clock, and sighed. In two hours she had to get up and go to work!

Closing her eyes, she tried to capture the dream where she had left off, but try as she might, she couldn't. The reoccurring dreams that she was having for the last few months had kept her up on many nights.

This was the first time he spoke to her. I will come for you, he had said, and Liandra wondered why a man in her dreams who was just a configuration of her imagination had made every part of her body come to life!

NOTE: I know in the last chapter I made many mistakes with the names. I apoligize. Thank you for pointing it out. I did go back and fixed my mistakes, but you are not able to see the changes, but in my iPad I can see the changes, and I don't know why you all can't. Sorry, I hope I didn't confuse anyone.

The last few chapters have been very short, but I'm really busy preparing for my trip to Greece, my son is getting married in July in Greece and I'm shopping for clothes. I will be in Greece with my family from July 4 till august 6. While I'm in Greece I will continue to write my chapters, and I will post pictures daily of Greece and the wedding on Facebook!!!

As always, thanks for being a part of my writing journey, I love you all and thank you for your continued support!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxo

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