The fisherman

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Taking a short cut, Sophia was home in no time. But her heart was heavy with grief. She was too naive to understand the flame that Thomas's kiss had ignited in her, and she blew it off as a figment of her imagination, thinking her mind was playing tricks on her.

Jumping quietly through the open window of her room, Sophia landed in her feet and quickly undressed herself. Hopping in her bed, Sophia was relieved that no one had noticed that she was missing. Her uncle sometimes checked in on her before he went to bed.

Safe and sound in the comfort of her queen size bed, the young maiden choked back a sob as fresh tears glided down her face. She didn't want to marry Nicho, she didn't want to marry any man! Sophia thought herself much too young to marry, she wanted to go to Athens, get a job, and make enough money to go to America!

She had heard that America was a country of wealth and fame, and she wanted to go there and become famous, but her uncle had other plans for her! Sophia knew that if her dreams of becoming an opera singer were ever to come true, she needed to find a way and flee to America. Becoming a stowaway on the Queen Anna Maria sounded like a good idea, if only she could find a way to get to Athens. She heard on the radio that the ship leaves port in three weeks, that would give her ample time to figure out what she wanted to do.

Closing her eyes, Sophia thoughts were invaded by the man in the cave. Who was that man, and why the hell did her heart flutter when he kissed her? She didn't even know what his face looked like for heavens sake! Aggravated, she forced herself to sleep, but was unsuccessful. Images of the huge man in the cave plagued her thoughts, the way his strong and possessive arms wrapped around her waist, the way his soothing voice hypnotized her, and even though she could not see his face because it was too dark, she knew that he was handsome.

Angry at at herself for letting a stranger have so much power over her thoughts she completely wiped him out of her mind and promised herself to never go near the caves again. He could be a mass murderer for all she knew, what was she thinking going alone at night to the beach, she thought, The stranger could have taken her against her will and no one would have known to come to her rescue!


Thomas sat on a huge stone near the cave and watched the blazing sun rise in all its glory. The orange red sun hung like an ornament in the blue sky, promising another hot day. The warrior lifted himself to his feet, his wet naked body glistened in the sunlight, as he flexed his huge muscles. One could easily mistake him for a Greek god.

Every inch of him was built to perfection. He was almost seven feet yall, with broad defining shoulders, muscled arms, abs of iron steel, a tapered waist, a firm ass, and masculine strong thighs. Thick black, long hair framed his handsome chiseled face, a face that many had fallen in love with.

His green eyes shined like emeralds, as they scanned the horizon, Thomas knew that somewhere out there were the answers to his questions. Turning around, the warrior went inside the cave and grabbed the trousers and shirt.

He was going to get dressed and go into town, It was the only way to find out information. He had to find a job and make friends, and then he could ask questions to find out everything he could about Sophia. He didn't know why, but there was a desperate need inside him to know her better.

Walkng out of the cave, Thomas made his way to the village. The cobble stone path led him all the way to the main square. The shopkeepers were preparing to open their shops, and the cafes were full of men of all ages, drinking their coffee outside in the middle of the square. They stopped discussing the days agenda, and all heads turned to face the new comer.

Silence fell across the square, as the warrior walked over to an empty chair and sat on it. An older man came quickly to his table and asked him what his name was.

"Pos se lene?" He asked, with curious eyes.

"Yianni," the Druid answered.

"Are you here visiting?" The old man asked, and everyone around them leaned forward to hear what the stranger was going to answer.

"No, I'm here to find a job. Do you know of anyone looking to hire help?" Thomas asked, and wondered how he knew to speak the Greek language. Was he Greek? He must be, how else would he know the language?

"I know quite a few, this is a fishermans village, and they always need help! Do you know anything about fishing?" The old man had already decided that he liked this stranger, and a smile curved his lips, "how do you take your coffee?"

"Two sugars," the Druid said, "and yes, I can fish."

"I'll be right back." The old man said before he disappeared Into the cafe.

Thomas wondered if Sophia's uncle and cousins were here. He looked around the square, but did not know or recognize anyone. Even if they we're here, he would not know who they were.

"Your coffee sir," the old man said as he placed the small cup of Greek coffee on the table. "I've talked to a few friends of mine and they know of someone that is looking for help, if you're still interested, John is sitting over there under the maple tree with his three sons." He said, pointing in the direction where John and his three sons were sitting and sipping their coffee.

"Euxaristo," Thomas said, and took a sip of his hot coffee. His gut told him that that was Sophia's uncle. He was in luck, he thought, and he lifted himself to his feet and walked over to the table under the maple tree.

Everyone turned and watched him make his way to the table where John and his boys sat, it wasn't everyday that a stranger came to their village, and they were curious to know why he had come.

"Good morning, I was told that you were looking to hire help?"

"Do you know anything about fishing?" John asked, as his eyes pierced right through the warrior.

"Yes, I am a fisherman." The Druid lied.

"What's your name son?"

"Yianni." Thomas said.

"Yianni welcome aboard." John said and reached out his hand to shake Thomas's.

"Where will you be staying during your stay in Kiveri?" Petro asked, as they walked away from the village square.

"I haven't decided yet."

"We have a room in the back of our house that's unoccupied, you can stay there if you like, It will be much easier for us to collect you every morning, but I would expect you to give a helping hand every night with the animals. you can dine with us , Sophia is an excellent cook, and she would not mind putting am extra plate of food on the table." Uncle John said.

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