Two Fay's and a Druidess!!!!!!

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Foster was never one to dwell on something unless it was about his soulmate Antropos. She has made him into a crazy Fay! Denying herself to him has left him bitter and even though he has tried all these years to forget her, one never forgets his soulmate, it's as simple as that, he will suffer until he connects with her again!

No one can ever take her place, not even sweet Lanie, and he has tried over the years to love another, but the closest he has ever come is with Nessa, and Lanie. Those two woman were able to pierce through his heart. He never loved them the way he loved Atropos, but they will always be special to him.

Confused as ever, Foster did the one thing he had promised himself that he would never do, he called Hawk for help. It only took seconds for the Fay to appear on the mountain top and he threw Foster a questioning glance.

"I thought hell would freeze over before you would call on me again!" Hawk told him before he dropped his arse on the mountain stone floor next to Foster.

Foster sighed, "Me too." He said, surprised that Hawk even bothered to come.

"What's eating you, your ego is about the size of this mountain, but you managed to call for me so you must be in a desperate situation!" Hawk joked, but meant every he said. Foster and he were not on the greatest terms and this was huge that he was willing to spill his guts out to him.

"I'm feeling guilty about something that I did, that I should have never done!" Foster said looking across the mountain to the other side of the land.

Foster's admission didn't surprise him, his old friend was famous for doing things he should never have done, but this marks the first time that he has regretted it! Hawks interest peaked and he shifted his arse closer to Foster to hear ever juicy word. He wondered if this encounter meant that they were friends again.

"Well I'm here, and I'm all ear's." Hawk answered.

Foster took a deep breath of inhalation before he spoke. "There's a woman that I care deeply about."

Hawks arched an eye brow."Atropos?"

"No, not her, Atropos is my soulmate, I would die for her if I could. It's not her, it's another woman."

"How can there be another woman if you love Atropos?" Hawk was confused, he could never want another woman after he connected with Nessa.

Foster sighed, "I will always love Atropos, she's my soulmate, but she won't have me. Am I suppose to stay unfaucked because she is being stubborn? Her stubborness could last thousands of years!"

What a fool Foster was, Hawk thought, "Are you telling me that after you have connected with Atropos, you have slept with other women?"

"Of course I have! Atropos and I have not made the full connection yet, she's being stubborn!"

"And what is stopping you from making the full connection?"

"She's being difficult!"

"And instead of chasing after her and begging for her love, you are sleeping around! Atropos will never connect with you if you don't change!" Hawk reasoned.

"Am I suppose to not sleep with anyone while she decides if she will have me? That could take million of years!" Foster argued.

"That's where you and I differ my friend, I would have been on my hands and knees begging for Nessa to take me back. I would not have allowed my ego amd my shaft to get in the way of my feelings for my soulmate. I would have moved mountains and swam through oceans just to win the heart of my soulmate back! If Atropos is watching you, and I know she is, she will be angry as hell and will not want you back! You have major arse kissing to do my friend. Forget about this other woman and start crawling on your hands and knees and beg for forgiveness from your soulmate or Atropos might just do the same as you and sleep around on you too!" Hawk said.

My highlander my love, part twoWhere stories live. Discover now