Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos

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Clotho's beautiful blond hair fell over her shoulders, as she sat on the branch of an orange tree peeling an orange. Her fingertips dug deep into the skin and juice squirted out splashing on her beautiful face.

Her sisters Lachesis and Atropos laughed at her, and her eye brows narrowed at them, "Are you laughing at me?" She asked with a warning glance that made her sisters stop laughing immediately and look away.

Atropos smile never left her face, anything that annoyed her sister, pleased her. She sighed, and wondered why she was stuck with a mean sister. There wasn't a kind bone in her sisters body! Always looking for ways to hurt others, that's why she couldn't find a husband. Who would want a miserable bitch tied to their hips for the rest of their lives? Atropos threw a quick glance at her other sister Lachesis, and when their eyes met, she saw the tears in her eyes. Knowing that her sister was in love with Demetrios, but could never marry him until her older sister married first, was putting a strain on her relationship with him. Everyone knew that Clotho would never marry, because there wasn't a man in the universe that would claim her!

"Don't piss me off sister, I know what you are thinking remember!" Clotho spitted out, as she bit into a slice of orange.

"Lachesis came to Atropos defense saying, "leave her alone! Why can't you be nice for once?"

Clotho threw her head back in an unlady like fashion, and roared with laughter. "Nice? Why would I want to be nice? Last time I left my guards down and was nice, I was stabbed in the back! I was once a fool, but never again!" She said, as venom dripped from her lips.

"So because you were hurt, every human in the world will suffer for it?" Lechesis asked, disgusted that her sister was who she was.

The pupils in Clotho's eyes dilated and fire sparked inside them. Her sisters looked at her fearfully and wished they never opened their mouth. "You dare to speak to me so? You ungrateful bunch of losers! I will punish you both until you feel my wrath and beg me for mercy if you ever speak to me in such a manner again! I am your oldest, and carry more power than the both of you, and if you ever so much as look at me the wrong way I will do to you what I have done to mother and don't you think that I won't!" She threatened as she trembled with rage.

The sun sparkled over earth like an orange fireball dancing in the blue sky, promising yet another day of beautiful weather. The little birds chirped and flew around the grove playing with each other, along with all the other animals that made the grove their habitat. It was almost time for the humans to wake up and start their day.

The Moire's (fates) looked down from the orange tree, and watched as Heather, carring a bag on her shoulders and a cat in her arms ran through the grove as fast as she could. Getting into the Mercedes, she started the car and sped off.

Atropos and Lachesis's heart bled for her, but Clotho's lips smiled wickedly, pleased that her work was done, she glanced at her sisters, and the three of them disappeared into thin air. The little birdies that nestled under their mothers wings up in the tree, looked at each other with dismay, recognizing the Fates, and knowing that they were up to no good, were relieved to see them gone.


Edward woke up with many regrets, and decided that he wanted to explain to Heather what was in his heart, but when he turned around, he found that she was not in bed with him. Stretching his huge muscles, before he got out of bed, the Druid decided that he would keep Heather, and to hell with the Fates! Jumping out of bed, the warrior pulled on his jeans, and walked to the bathroom. He was going to tell Heather what she wanted to hear. He was falling in love with her, and he thought she should know this, but when he looked into the bathroom, she was not there.

A smile curved his lips, as he made his way out the door and down the long curving staircase to the huge dining room where everyone was having breakfast. All eyes turned to him, and he looked around the table for Heather, but she wasn't there.

"Where's Heather, isn't she coming downstairs to grab a bite?" Peter asked.

"I thought she was down here having breakfast with you!" Edward said before he ran out of the dining room and headed straight for the front door. Swinging it open, his heart broke in two when he noticed his car was missing. Slamming the door shut, he swore under his breath, dumped himself on the couch, and dropped his head in his huge hands.

She left him.

She up and left, leaving him alone and heart broken. He knew it was his fault, Heather wasn't the kind of girl that slept around just for fun, she wanted more, a whole lot more that he was not ready to give her, but It wasn't because he didn't want to, it was because he couldn't!

Where had she gone? Her life was in danger, and he feared for her.

"Did she leave?" Peter asked, as he walked into the room followed by everyone else that trailed behind him.

"Yes, she is gone!" Edward said, in a broken voice.

"Why would you allow her to leave Edward? She is not yet twenty two and her life is in danger! I thought you loved your soulmate." Joanna said.

"She is not my soulmate, but I do carry powerful feelings for her." Edward confessed.

"What do you mean she's not your soulmate Edward? She most definitely is, you fool!" Peter roared.

Edward narrowed his eyes and lifted himself off the couch, "Calm down, she is not my soulmate, but someone I found off the streets!"

There was an uproar in the living room as everyone talked at the same time.

"She is your soulmate, and only a fool would not know this!" Peter barked, angry at Edward for being stupid.

All the blood drained from Edwards face, as the sudden realization of what Peter was telling him sunk in. She was his soulmate? How could that be? And suddenly Williams words came back to haunt him.

Her American name is Heather, and she is Kyra's twin, he had said, but she didn't look anything like Kyra.

Edward dropped himself back on the couch and tried to steady his beating heart. She was his soulmate and he had not recognized her. No wonder he felt the powerful feelings when he made love to her, only he didn't understand it at the time for what it really was.

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