Glorious Season 1 Ep 4: The Code

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Um.... Calvin. Says Tasha

No don't lie to me is it true that I'm adopted? Says Calvin

Yes calvin it is true. Says James

James? Says Tasha

He has to know. Says James

Both of y'all explain now. Says Calvin

Well long story short your mother Kimberly was a drug addict and she put drugs first before anything else so she put you in a group home then that's when James and I adopted you when you were four months old and we had you ever since. Says Tasha

Dad..... I mean James is this true? Asked Calvin

Yes it is and I'm still your father and she's still your mother. Says James

No y'all ain't i mean hell Savannah and Cece aren't even my sisters and I love them too much. Says Calvin

Yes Calvin they are. Says Tasha

You have been lying to me my whole life why? Says Calvin

Calvin? Says Tasha

Was it money is that why we're rich cuz of my ass you wanted more money by the government..... Huh? Asked Calvin

(Tasha and James are speechless)

Right..... I thought so. Says Calvin

Calvin just calm down please. Says James

No no you can't tell me shit anymore as of matter of fact I'm out of here both of y'all can kiss my ass. Says Calvin

(Calvin storm out of the house)

I'll be right back. Says James

No don't go after him let him cool down sum he'll be back. Says Tasha

Yeah whatever. Says James

James?.... Why the hell would you say that infront of him? Asked Tasha

Are you really serious right now? Asked James

Yes! Says Tasha

I didn't know he was right there damn i mean why eavesdropping in our conversation and shit huh? Says James

We can't tell the girls. Says Tasha

Yeah but what about Calvin, For God Sake He's Only 17 Years Old He Can't Be Out There By Himself. Says James

I know but he might just go to a friend house no worries. Says Tasha

(Phone goes off)

Oh my god. Says Tasha

What is it? Says James

Cece called and text me numerous of times.... Savannah is finally awake. Says Tasha

Thank god let get the hell out of here c'mon now. Says James

Well talk about this Calvin stuff later on... Let's go. Says Tasha

(Hilton Atlanta Hotel Downtown)

Dalvin are you out of your mind punch Drevon another artist at gold records the label we're working to make your dream come true. Says Tamika

Where you heard this at? Says Dalvin

First the place have cameras, press, people video taping and of course Angela called. Says Tamika

What the hell were you thinking? Says Marcus

I wasn't just had too much to drink that's all. Says Dalvin

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