Season 6 Episode 20: Remember My Dark Past

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(Tamika, Nessa, Savannah, Joseph, Dalvin, Briana, Tayveon, Chyna & Tasha walks in)

Finally we made it. Says Dalvin

Home sweet home. Says Chyna

I can't wait to get to bed. Says Tayveon

Me too. Says Briana

It's so good to be back home. Says Nessa

Ain't that the truth. Says Tamika

Tamika are you sure that we can stay here? Asked Tasha

Right I mean you already have Briana we don't wanna overstep. Says Savannah

It's fine... I have eight bedrooms here... Y'all stay here until I know for sure what James is up too. Says Tamika

Thank You. Says Tasha

Really we really appreciate it Tamika. Says Joseph

It's fine... Get some rest. Says Tamika

We will but what happens next? Asked Savannah

Yeah are we going back to work tomorrow or what? Asked Dalvin

For now... No... Says Tamika

Yes we get a break. Says Briana

Yeah for two days. Says Tamika

Why two days? Asked Chyna

Anthony's orders... Says Tamika

Of course. Says Nessa

So we got some work to do when we go back. Says Tamika

And Leon is still working there? Asked Savannah

Yes he is. Says Tamika

Well that sucks. Says Savannah

It does. Says Dalvin

Does anyone know how exactly he got his job back? Asked Savannah

Yeah because wasn't he fired? Asked Joseph

(Nessa, Dalvin & Tamika looks at each other)

Well... Says Nessa & Dalvin

We don't know how but I'm sure that Charles was willing to give him another chance. Says Tamika

Okay well... Good for him I guess. Says Savannah

(JJ runs downstairs towards Nessa while Tammi comes downstairs)

Mommy! Says JJ

JJ. Says Nessa

((Nessa picks JJ up then hugs & kisses him)

Hi baby... Oh I'm so happy to see you again. Says Nessa

Me too... I miss you. Says JJ

He was almost asleep when he heard your voice. Says Tammi

I'm sorry grandma. Says Nessa

It's alright... I'm just glad to see all of y'all. Says Tammi

Hey nana. Says Dalvin

Hey baby. Says Tammi

(Tammi gives Dalvin a hug)

So what's going on? Asked Tammi

A lot but Savannah and her family are staying here for a few days. Says Tamika

Sure... I'll fix y'all rooms up. Says Tammi

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