Season 6 Episode 11: Watch Your Back

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More coffee? Asked Tamika

No thanks girl I'm good until later. Says Tammi

Alright. Says Tamika

(Nessa, Chyna & Dalvin walks into the kitchen)

Hey y'all. Says Dalvin

Good morning y'all. Says Nessa

Hey guys. Says Tamika

How did y'all sleep? Asked Tammi

Well JJ woke up in the middle of the night it took forever to put him back to sleep but besides that it was fine. Says Nessa

Well that's what being a mother is all about. Says Tammi

Yeah I know. Says Nessa

And Dalvin what about you? Asked Tamika

I'm just kinda worried... Says Dalvin

About what? Asked Tamika

About Tayveon's biological parents & Jerri. Says Dalvin

I don't think Jerri is a problem any more. Says Tammi

Mom I think otherwise... We all have to watch ourselves. Says Tamika

Nessa aren't you worried? Asked Dalvin

Worried about what? Asked Nessa

Aren't you worried about Jerri coming back into our lives? Asked Dalvin

A little... But look I'm not scared of that bitch. Says Nessa

You sure? Asked Dalvin

Okay maybe I'm still scared that she might hurt us again but we can't show her that we're weak... Because if we do that shows her that she won this battle... And she won't we will. Says Nessa

That's right but Tamika is right... Now if Jerri is planning her next move then that means that we all have to watch our backs... Really good this time. Says Chyna

So not only don't we gotta worried about tayveon's crazy parents but we have to worry about crazy ass Jerri. Says Tammi

That sounds about right... Man if only if Marcus was here right now he'll know how to handle this. Says Tamika

Okay well dad isn't here anymore... He's dead remember. Says Nessa

Exactly so now it's up to us to keep this family safe. Says Dalvin

Yeah you're right... C'mon let's go to work... We're short staff today. Says Tamika

Hold up where's Darius? Asked Nessa

Darius is home sick with the damn flu. Says Tamika

And what about Sasha & Anthony? Asked Chyna

Anthony is still grieving over Angela's deaths he'll be out for a little while longer and Sasha had to take care of something back at home in LA... So it will be me, you two, Jerome & Lance in charge until one of them comes back. Says Tamika

This gonna be a long ass day. Says Dalvin

Right... Is Savannah out of the hospital? Asked Tamika

Yeah her & Joseph are back home with the baby. Says Nessa

You think she'll stop by? Asked Tamika

Maybe but I told her for now to focus on getting better... But she'll be returning to the stage hopefully at the Christmas festival. Says Nessa

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