Season 3 Episode 8 "The Kindest Souls"

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(The Ambulance Arrives & Pick Up Angela To Take Her To The Hospital)

Angela... You're gonna be alright just stay with me. Says Dalvin

Where.... Where Am I? Asked Angela

You're in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Says Dalvin

What... Dalvin.... I'm sorry... Help... Says Angela



We lost a pulse we have to resuscitate her now. Says Paramedic

Who would do this? Asked Dalvin


(Marcus & Tamika walks towards Dalvin in the waiting room)

Dalvin. Says Tamika

Son. Says Marcus

Mom.... Dad. Says Dalvin

What happened? Asked Marcus

I don't know... I went to the parking lot to give angela her purse & there she was on the ground. Says Dalvin

Are you okay? Asked Tamika

Yeah... I'm fine. Says Dalvin

How the hell did this happened? Asked Marcus

The doctors saying that she was run over by a car. Says Dalvin

A car? Asked Marcus

Oh my god... Well how is she? Asked Tamika

I'm not sure she's in the back... I can't go back there. Says Dalvin

(Doctor Reynolds walks towards them)

Hi are y'all here for Ms Morrow? Asked Doctor Reynolds

Yes. Says Marcus, Tamika & Dalvin

How is she? Asked Marcus

Well she's in bad shape for now so what we'll do is put her in a medically induced coma and on the machines. Says Doctor Reynolds

Machines? Asked Dalvin

Life-support... When the car ran her over she hit her head pretty hard which causes the brain to swell up. Says Doctor Reynolds

Oh my god. Says Marcus

Well can we see her? Asked Tamika

Not until tomorrow morning at 8am... But one of y'all are welcome to wait or sleep in the waiting room. Says Doctor Reynolds

I'll do it. Says Marcus

Marcus baby are you sure? Asked Tamika

Yes I am you just take dalvin home. Says Marcus

I don't wanna leave. Says Dalvin

Son it's okay I'll see you in the morning. Says Marcus

Okay. Says Dalvin

C'mon dalvin... Baby I love you. Says Tamika

Love you too. Says Marcus

(Tamika & Dalvin walks away)

Where is the waiting room? Asked Marcus

I'll show you where it's at... Right this way. Says Doctor Reynolds

Thank you. Says Marcus


Morning. Says Calvin

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