Season 5 Episode 18: Hell Froze On Us

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Aye. Says Leon

I don't have time for your shit today. Says Anthony

Well too bad. Says Leon

What is it now? Asked Anthony

You ratted me out to your sister? Asked Leon

Oh about you giving Trevon the studio time instead of Bianka? I sure as hell did. Says Anthony

It wasn't personal. Says Leon

Yeah right I can't tell because you threw her away years ago. Says Anthony

You're wrong for that. Says Leon

So fucking what. Says Anthony

You serious right now. Says Leon

You ain't? Asked Anthony

How about I whoop that ass again then I'mma show you how serious I am. Says Leon

(Leon walks towards Anthony with a balled fist when Lance walks towards them)

C'mon we don't got time for this shit today. Says Lance

Tell his ass that. Says Anthony

No he's telling you. Says Leon

No I'm telling both of y'all... Angela will be out for another four days so therefore we can't have any bullshit around here. Says Lance

We heard you. Says Anthony

So y'all stop this shit now... And let's go to Nessa's surprise party. Says Lance

Hate your ass. Says Leon

Leon I'm not playing I will beat your ass all up & down these hallways. Says Lance

Alright... I'll stop. Says Leon

Good. Says Lance

(Lance, Anthony & Leon walks away)


Chyna have you heard anything from them? Asked Savannah

Yeah she told me that they're one minute away. Says Chyna

Well I can't wait to see Nessa again... Can't believe it's been two months since she left. Says Briana

Let's just hope Jerri will leave us the hell alone. Says Chyna

Meanwhile we got Melissa & Xavier trying to come after us. Says Joseph

I wish they would both disappear. Says Savannah

It's not that easy babe. Says Joseph

I know but at least we have each other we'll be okay. Says Savannah

That's right. Says Briana

(Yvette walks towards Trey)

Trey. Says Yvette

Hey auntie. Says Trey

Have you talked to your mama today? Asked Yvette

I did she told me to tell you hi. Says Trey

Tell her I said the same... Did you tell Briana? Asked Yvette

I did but she ain't wanna hear it. Says Trey

That's too bad... You need to talk to her about y'all's mother. Says Yvette

I can try but it probably won't do no good auntie. Says Trey

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